
The year 2007 saw a surge in the number of births in South Korea.


It was the year of Golden Pig, which comes only once in 60 years according to the lunar calendar. Tradition says that people born in that year are destined to have good luck and fortune throughout their lifetime.


Now moms who gave birth that year might be having some regrets.


As kindergartens start receiving applications for next year, parents are struggling to snag a spot on the enrollment list. Some famous kindergartens have hundreds on the waiting list.


Daejin Kindergarten in Seoul says it has more than 200 kids who are waiting to be admitted.


'I think we have 30 percent more kids than usual,' said Kim Ki-jeong, who is in charge of the preschool.

这所幼儿园的管理者Kim Ki-jeong说,我认为现在孩子的数量比平常超出了30%。

According to the National Statistical Office, there were 493,189 babies or 1.25 births per woman in 2007, up 10 percent from a year earlier, a spike in Korea's steadily declining birthrate.

根据韩国国家统计局,2007年时全国新生儿数量为 493,189,平均每个女性生下1.25个孩子,这比上一年增加了10%,对韩国稳步下滑的出生率来说是一种激增。

'We are considering making more classes to accommodate more kids,' said Shin Hyun-bok, principal of Hong-ik Kindergarten in Seoul.

首尔Hong-ik幼儿园的园长Shin Hyun-bok说,我们正在考虑增加班级数量来容纳更多的孩子。

Jaeyeon Woo