
The concierge business for all it is high-priced aura is actually quite mundane. It is about as satisfying the daily needs and whims of the wealthy, from getting concert tickets and restaurant reservations to household staffing and travel bookings.


But one London concierge company is spicing things up a bit. They are touting their all-female and not unattractive staff.


An article in Forbes by Hannah Elliott says Concierge has a 'highly trained force of femmes fatales' who cater to the firm's wealthyclients. 'It's Charlie's Angels meets Miss Moneypenny,' the article says. Or just an army of real-life Bond Girls.

汉纳•艾略特(Hannah Elliott)在《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志上发表文章表示,Concierge公司拥有一批训练有素、魅力十足的女管家,专门为富有客户提供服务。文章这样写道,她们是霹雳娇娃(Charlie's Angels)和精打细算的钱夫人(Miss Moneypenny)的结合体。或者可以说,她们都是真人版的邦德女郎(Bond Girls)。

Concierge's customers pay $20,000 a year, plus $80 an hour for the company's services. The Concierge femmes might help 'buy, renovate and decorate a home in the Scottish Highlands or cook brunch for 20 in Ibiza when the private chef shows up drunk,' the article says.

Concierge公司向客户收取每年2万美元的固定费用,外加每小时80美元的公司服务费。文章写道,这些女管家可以在苏格兰高地(Scottish Highlands)帮雇主购买、装修和装潢房子,也可以在地中海的伊维萨岛(Ibiza) 为20位宾客准备早中餐,如果雇主的私人厨师烂醉如泥的话。

The company only hires female employees because 'women more often possess the skills required to predict and fulfill the most minute client needs,' according to CEO Flora White.

Concierge公司只提供女管家,该公司首席执行官弗罗拉•怀特(Flora White)说,因为要预测和满足那些最挑剔客户的需求,相应的能力在女性当中更为多见。

Clients say their appearance doesn't hurt.


'Perhaps this sounds awful but the girls look fantastic,' said India Jane Birley, a Concierge member and daughter of a nightclub mogul. 'If you passed them in the street, you'd say, 'What a nice-looking girl.' They've got nice clothes and are incredibly well-mannered.'

Concierge公司的客户、一位夜总会大亨的女儿印蒂娅•伯雷(India Jane Birley)说,这听起来可能有些耸人听闻,但那帮女管家的确艳光四射。在路上遇到她们的时候,你会说这女孩子真好看。她们穿着上乘,举止十分优雅。

The women also have to be determined. They endure a rigorous interview process that involves time-trials for planning such events as a Napa Valley, Calif., family vacation or a dinner for a VIP. Once hired, their assignments can be challenging. Whether they can survive a pool full of piranhas is unclear. But Philippa Hose, a tall, blonde Concierge employee, had to scale a security fence while wearing a pencil skirt and heels in order to disable a client's alarm system during a storm.

女管家还必须很有毅力。她们要经过严格的面试筛选,包括各种限时的情景测试,如安排某一家人去加州纳柏谷(Napa Valley)度假,为重要客人准备晚餐等等。应聘成功之后,她们接受的任务也可能很有挑战性,彷佛跳入一个遍布食人鱼的池塘,能否生存下来还很难说。不过,身材高挑,一头金发的Concierge公司女管家菲莉帕•贺斯(Philippa Hose)还是提供了出色的管家服务。在一场暴风雨当中,身穿紧身窄裙和高跟鞋的她翻越了一道安全网,成功关掉了雇主家里不断鸣响的安保系统。

Ms. Hose says she has one main ground rule: never be rude. 'You must be someone who is charming,' she says.


Will the Bond Girl strategy work? Perhaps. These are uncertain times for the increasinglycompetitive concierge business, which exploded during the boom times but now is grappling with a customer base that is increasingly careful about its spending. Any thing that helps a business stand out is, I'm sure, helpful.


But separating the wealthy from their money right now may take more than a pretty face.


Robert Frank

Robert Frank