
When it comes to expanding a family, there are lots of factors to consider. There's the timing. There's the ideal number of kids, as Rachel just posted.

谈到添丁的问题,有很多因素需要考虑。什么时候生,赛尔芙曼(Rachel Emma Silverman)文章里提到的"几个最好"等等,都需要盘算。

And then there's money. Putting aside all the emotional, health and time-management issues that we've discussed on this blog, money is a top concern in our family as we weigh whether and when to have another child. While my husband and I aren't saving as much as I'd like, we're pretty sure we do want another baby. Our 1-year-old daughter is such a joy that we are willing to again endure those rough first few months with another child. At least for my husband, a former Marine, baby-raising has proven easier and more satisfying than basic training (i.e. running through the mud with a 50-pound pack).


As I wrote recently for MarketWatch, finances can have a big impact on parents' plans to expand their family. A 2009 report showed that 44% of women said they wanted to reduce or delay childbearing because of the economy. (Women surveyed had annual household incomes of less than $75,000.) While costs vary regionally, a middle-income family with a child born in 2009 can expect to spend about $222,360 (or $286,050 if factoring in inflation) for food, shelter, and other necessities over the next 17 years, according to data from the Department of Agriculture.


But as my mother, Nancy Mantell, an economist who would also like another grandchild, recently told me: 'Finances are important, but I don't think they should be the be-all and end-all.'

但是我的母亲曼特尔(Nancy Mantell)最近告诉我,财政状况很重要,但不应该成为最最重要的考虑因素。她是一位经济学家,也想再要一个外孙或外孙女。

Indeed, as I approach 33, I am concerned that if we wait until our financial situation significantly improves, pregnancy and parenting will become increasingly difficult. I've seen others go through fertility treatments, and know that the process is emotionally and physically grueling, as well as expensive.


But the idea of paying for daycare for two young kids at once is daunting, to say the least. Last year the average annual cost of full-time care for a four-year-old in a child-care center started at a low of about $4,000 in Mississippi, and ran to a high of more than $13,000 in Massachusetts, according to a report from the National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies. In the District of Columbia, where my family lives, the cost is about $8,500. The cost of infant care is generally much pricier - in DC the average was about $11,500 in 2009.

但是,不说别的,一想到要同时给两个小孩支付托儿费用,我就忍不住打退堂鼓。据美国国家托儿资源与推荐机构协会(National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies)统计,去年一个四岁小孩在托儿中心全天托管的平均年费起价因地区而异,最低的是密西西比的4000美元左右,最高的是马萨诸塞州的1.3万多美元。在我家所在的哥伦比亚特区,平均花费约为8500美元。婴儿托管费用一般来说会更贵,在哥伦比亚特区,2009年的平均费用约为1.15万美元。

And while costs for other items, such as clothing, won't be as steep for a second child (we are saving Eve's old pajamas, furniture and toys), at some point we would have to reconsider whether it still makes sense for both parents to work. And if not, which parent should stop working, and how will that absence from the workforce affect our lifetime earnings?


Another consideration is the extent to which families are willing to alter their lifestyle, and savings goals, to make room for spending on another child.


'There are certainly a lot of trade-offs, and it's worth explicitly considering them,' investing expert Burton Malkiel recently told me. 'There are the little expenses that people don't even think about. There are ballet lessons. There are violin lessons. [Child-rearing] is a very expensive proposition.'

投资专家马尔科尔(Burton Malkiel)最近告诉我说,肯定需要做很多取舍,值得把它们都想明白;有一些小小的花费是人们根本就不去想的,比如芭蕾课,比如小提琴课。他说,要孩子是一个非常昂贵的想法。

That said, the pleasures of children can be well worth the significant expenses that go along with raising them.


Readers: How much have you changed your life to afford an expanding family? How do you know whether another child is financially out-of-reach? Have any of you delayed child-rearing or expanding your family because of financial concerns?


Ruth Mantell