
My husband and I are on the same page about most of the important things, like how we raise our children, communicate and manage our finances. But we're not seeing eye-to-eye about a big issue: whether to have another child.


We have two wonderful sons and my husband is adamant that he does not want any more children. He has extremely well-thought-out, practical arguments on his side: Two kids are less expensive than three. Adding another would mean getting a bigger house and car. It would stretch our finances and limit things we love to do, like travel. Our kids are healthy, mellow and good-natured. Why rock the boat? We're already in the upper-half of our 30s-do we really want to re-experience the discomforts and anxiety of pregnancy and parenting an infant, as we're nearing 40? And with two kids, we could each devote plenty of energy to each child, without giving anyone short-shrift.


Really, the only arguments I have on my side are emotional and vague: As someone who grew up in a family of three kids, it just seems like a fun number. (My husband, on the other hand, grew up in a family of two sons.) I loved pregnancy and even liked childbirth (strange as it may sound) and am willing to go through them again. Babies are just so cute and it's hard to see them get older. Having a third is a way to experience the adorableness all over again. And no, it's not that I want to try for a girl. I'd be thrilled to have another boy.


I would never 'trick' my husband into having a third. ('Surprise, honey!') That seems horriblydishonest and against the way our marriage works. My husband feels a lot stronger about the issue than I do, so chances are, we'll probably stop at two anyhow. I wouldn't be unhappy with that; it certainly sounds easier and more practical. And yet I can't help feeling like I have eaten the most delicious two-course meal ever, but am still a little bit hungry for dessert.


According to a Pew Research Center study earlier this year, 46% of American adults said two children in a family are ideal, compared with 26% who said three, 9% who said four and 3% each for zero, one or at least five. Interestingly, among parents who already have at least three kids, one-third say two would be ideal, reported my colleague Ruth Mantell in her MarketWatch column. Among parents who said they don't plan to have additional kids, 76% cited wanting to have time for the children they already have, and 72% said they are concerned about the cost of raising kids, the Pew study found.

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)今年早些时候的一项研究显示,46%的美国成年人认为一个家庭有两个孩子是最理想的,而26%的人认为三个孩子最好,9%的人选择了四个孩子,选择不要孩子、一个孩子或五个以上的人各占3%。有意思的是,我同事曼特尔(Ruth Mantell)在MarketWatch专栏中说,在已经有三个孩子以上的父母中,三分之一的人说两个孩子最理想。皮尤的研究发现,在表示不打算再要孩子的父母中,76%的人说想多陪陪自己已有的孩子,72%的人说担心养育孩子的成本。

I'm wondering if any Juggle readers had disagreements with their spouses or partners over how many kids to have. How did you resolve it? Did the desire to have another kid die down in you or your partner? Or did you or your partner come around to having another child? What happened?


Rachel Emma Silverman