

   Dream in the Night

   Last night, I dreamt

   Of restful sheets and pillows,

   As fragrant sandalwood wafted through the air.

   Heartfelt was the time

   When we were still together,

   When our love was still forever.

   Last night, I dreamt

   Of leaving life's dust behind,

   Light-footed to paradise,

   Carefree for once

   On the fragrant hillside -

   Anguish and sorrow no more!

   Tonight, I've come home,

   Mountain rain trickles ceaselessly,

   Wheels roll over the lonely path,

   Clouds hang miserably,

   Inviting dreams,

   Exquisite visions

   To forget about the illusory human realm.

   My darling! My beloved!

   The river flows tirelessly,

   Searching for a cherished harbor of old,

   Where long days will be delightful,

   A human's lot content,

   And all complaints silenced.

   Last night, I dreamt

   I was a swan,

   Soaring above mountains,

   Drinking in the snow,

   Bathing in the rainbow,

   Feeling free again,

   Feeling free again



   昨夜梦中 被枕轻柔

   檀香冉冉 满溢四方

   倘依君怀 情海无涯

   昨夜梦中 红尘已遥

   闲步仙境 一回轻悠

   花香满坡 闷烦顿消

   今自梦返 山雨绵绵

   旋辙悲途 遮云恼人

   绮梦请回 守此珪珍

   尽忘人间 无明

   吾爱 吾爱 如川不息

   归港旧情 永日流馨

   随愿而安 悲消怨散

   昨夜梦中 如雁翔空

   畅饮积雪 沐浴彩虹

   逍遥从容 逍遥从容






文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌