
 San Sepolcro

  by Jorie Graham

   In this blue light

   I can take you there,

   snow having made me

   a world of bone

   seen through to. This

   is my house,

   my section of Etruscan

   wall, my neighbor's

   lemontrees, and, just below

   the lower church,

   the airplane factory.

   A rooster

   crows all day from mist

   outside the walls.

   There's milk on the air,

   ice on the oily

   lemonskins. How clean

   the mind is,

   holy grave. It is this girl

   by Piero

   della Francesca, unbuttoning

   her blue dress,

   her mantle of weather,

   to go into

   labor. Come, we can go in.

   It is before

   the birth of god. No one

   has risen yet

   to the museums, to the assembly


   and wings--to the open air

   market. This is

   what the living do: go in.

   It's a long way.

   And the dress keeps opening

   from eternity

   to privacy, quickening.

   Inside, at the heart,

   is tragedy, the present moment

   forever stillborn,

   but going in, each breath

   is a button

   coming undone, something terribly


  • privacy [´praivəsi, -pri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.隐退;独处;秘密 四级词汇
  • undone [,ʌn´dʌn] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.未完成的,没有做的 六级词汇

文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌