
   Twenty Twenty Vision

  by Mark Ford

   Unwinding in a cavernous bodega he suddenly

   Burst out:--Barman, these tumblers empty themselves

   And yet I persist; I am wedged in the giant eye

   Of an invisible needle. Walking through doors

   Or into them, listening to anecdotes or myself spinning

   A yarn, I realize my doom is never to forget

   My lost bearings. In medias res we begin

   And end: I was born, and then my body unfurled

   As if to illustrate a few tiny but effective words

   But--oh my oh my--avaunt. I peered

   Forth, stupefied, from the bushes as the sun set

   Behind distant hills. A pair of hungry owls

   Saluted the arrival of webby darkness; the dew

   Descended upon the creeping ferns. At first

   My sticky blood refused to flow, gathering instead

   In wax-like drops and pools; mixed with water and a dram

   Of colourless alcohol it thinned and reluctantly

   Ebbed away. I lay emptied as a fallen

   Leaf until startled awake by a blinding flash

   Of dry lightning, and the onset of this terrible thirst.



文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌