
 Report from the Skinhouse

   by Jan Beatty

   I went looking for the body.

   The apple, tree, the river.

   Gliding voice, curve of arm,pearly blue uterus.

   Muscled calf, the neptune green eye,

   blood with the same taste as mine.

   Why do I write my report this way?

   An adopted child needs to find a face.

   What does a real mother's body look like?

   River, chalkline, bloody cave?

   I am replica of nothing.

   birthmother, conjurer, boneshaker, witch,

   let me smell your skin just once,

   I'll give you your bloody daughter.


  • neptune [´neptju:n, ´neptu:n] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.尼普顿(海神) 四级词汇

文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌