

  by Mary Leader

   How the tenor warbles in April!

   He thrushes, he nightingales, 0 he's a lark.

   He cuts the cinquefoil air into snippets

   With his love's scissors in the shape of a stork.

   Hear the alto's glissando, October.

   She drapes blue air on her love's shoulders,

   On his velvet jerkin the color of crows.

   Her cape of felt & old pearls enfolds her.

   How the baritone roots out in May!

   His depths reach even the silence inside

   The worms moving level, the worms moving up,

   The pike plunging under the noisy tide.

   Hear the soprano's vibrato, November,

   Water surface trembles, cold in the troughs.

   She transforms blowing hedges into fences,

   She transforms scarlet leaves into moths

  • scissors [´sizəz] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.剪刀,剪子 四级词汇

文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌