
 My Book Report is Due Today

  My book report is due today.

  I haven't finished yet.

  In fact, I haven't started,

  which I'm coming to regret.

  I haven't even read the book.

  I put it off so long.

  I thought I'd have a lot of time.

  It looks like I was wrong.

  I'd ask my older brother

  what this book is all about,

  but he's already left for school

  and cannot help me out.

  I'd hustle to the movie store

  and rent the DVD,

  but I don't even have the time

  to watch it on TV.

  I guess I'll have to fake it

  and pretend I read the book.

  Then write a bunch of nonsense

  and assorted gobbledygook.

  It's either that, or do the thing

  my conscience knows is right:

  I'll claim I'm sick and stay at home

  and finish it tonight.


  • hustle [´hʌsəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.猛挤;催促 n.乱堆 四级词汇

文章标签:诗歌  英语诗歌