
  The Third Period

   Teaching Aims:

   1. Review the words appearing in the last two periods.

   2. Learn and master the use of the Past Participle as Attribute and


   Teaching Important Points:

   1. How to guess the missing verbs and use them correctly according

   to the given sentences.

   2. How to tell a positive, negative and neutral from each other.3.

   Help the students master the Past Participle as Attribute and


   Teaching Difficult Point:

   How to use the Past Participle correctly, especially how to use the

   Past Participle instead of the Attributive Clause.

   Teaching Methods:

   1. Practising to finish each task in World Study and Grammar.

   2. Individual or pair work to make every student work in class.

   Teaching Aids:

   1. a projector

   2. some pictures

   3. the blackboard

   Teaching Procedures:

   Step I Greetings

   Greet the whole class as usual.

   Step Ⅱ Revision

   T: In the last period, we've read a passage about reporters and

   newspapers. We've known that newspapers and other media do more

   than simply record what happens. Experienced editors and

   reporters make informed decision about what events to report, how to

   report them and why. Can you tell me the reason for them doing that?

   Ss: Yes. Because they must make sure that readers can relate to the


   T: Right. Newspapers and other media play an important part in our

   daily life. Why?

   Ss: Because they help us understand the world better on all sides.

   T: Quite right. You've known about news media better than before.

   Besides, we've learnt some words in this unit. Have you really

   remembered and mastered them? I'll give you an exercise about

   them. Look at the screen and prepare for a while. Then we'll check

   the answers together.

   Spell out the words according to the explanation for each word. The

   first letter of each word is given to you.1. f __ __ __ dismiss

   (an employee)from a job

   2. s __ __ __ __ __ (cause sth. to) shift or change, esp, suddenly

   3. r __ __ __ __ __ __ show the nature of or express (sth. )

   4. t __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ allow ( sth. that one dislikes or

   disagrees with) without interfering

   5. e __ __ __ __to choose someone for an official position, usually

   by voting

   6. i __ __ __ __ __ to harm or wound a person or an animal

   7. p __ __ __ __ __ __ show or reveal sth. to sb. ;introduce(sb. )

   formally; to give sth. to sb. ,often as part of official ceremony

   8. r __ __ __ __ __ to have a connection with sth. Suggested


   1. fire 2. switch

   3. reflect 4. tolerate

   5. elect 6. injure

   7. present 8. relate

   T: OK. Now let's learn some other words on the screen.

   (Teacher asks some students to pronounce each word and gives

   brief explanations. Then let the students read and remember them for

   a few minutes. )

   Step Ⅲ Word Study

   T: Well, now please open your books at Page 13. Let's have Language

   Study...Are you ready?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Word Study first. Look at Exercise l in it: Complete the

   sentences with the verbs in the box. Change their forms if

   necessary. To do it better, first, you should read and understand

   each sentence. Then choose the proper verb and use its right form to

   complete each sentence. Are you clear?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Prepare for a few minutes. Then I'll check your answers.

   Suggested answers:

   1. was elected 2. was injured

   3. was fired 4. was switched

   5. be tolerated 6. did...relate

   7. is reflected 8. were...presented

   T: Well done. Next, look at Exercise 2.There are some words in the

   box. Put them into three groups according to their meanings,

   positive, negative or neutral. First work in pairs, then I'll

   check your work.

   Suggested answers:

   positive: reliable, experienced, informed, talented, balanced

   neutral: unique, printed, social

   negative: nosy, careless, awful, addicted

   Step IV Grammar

   T: Well, now let's come to the part of Grammar. First, please look

   at the sentences from the text of the last period. Each of them has

   the Past Participle as Attribute or Predicative. Is that so?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Now work in pairs to translate each sentence into Chinese and

   then tell if the Past Participle in it is used as At tribute or

   Predicative. A few minutes later, I'll check your answers. Are you


   Ss: Yes.

   Suggested answers:

   Attribute: experienced, informed, talented, organised, stolen,

   addicted, printed

   Predicative: needed, respected, tolerated

   T: Well done. Next, look at Exercise 2.Rewrite each past participle

   that is used as attribute with the attributive clause. Before doing

   it, you should study the given example carefully. First do it

   individually. Then check in pairs. At the end, I'll check your

   answers. You can begin now. Suggested answers:

   informed decisions=decisions that are informed

   talented journalists=journalists who were talented

   an organised way = a way that is organised

   stolen cultural relics= cultural relics that had been stolen

   people addicted to drugs = people that/ who are addicted to drugs

   printed articles= articles that are printed

   (Then teacher asks the students to finish Exx. 3 and 4 as they do

   Exercise 2.)

   Suggested answers:

   Ex. 3: 1. The telegram sent by my sister brought the news of my dear

   grandma's death.

   2. Let's try the bookstore opened last month.

   3. Nine out of ten housewives interviewed about the product

   said they liked it.

   4. Three guns, stolen from the police station, were found in the


   5. I don't like to go to supermarkets crowded with shoppers.

   Ex. 4:1. The three injured students were sent to hospital.

   2. Some used textbooks were given to the students in the


   3. Tom can't go to school because of his broken leg

   4. The ground is covered with fallen leaves.

   5. Many returned Chinese students overseas made a great

   contribution to our country.

   T: Now, look at Exercise 5. Read the following news first. Then fill

   in the blanks with the correct form of the words in brackets. If you

   have any trouble in doing it, you can discuss you're your partner. A

   few minutes later, I'll check your answers. You can begin now.

   Suggested answers:

   surprised, amazing, interested, boring, surprised, exciting,

   satisfied, interesting, disappointed

   (Ss may make some mistakes, so teacher should give some explanations

   after correcting the mistakes made by the students.)

   T: To do this exercise well, we should know how to use some words

   like interested/interesting, surprised / surprising correctly. To

   say how we feel about something, we can use the past participles

   interested, surprised, etc. To talk about the person or thing that

   makes us feel interested, surprised, etc. we use present

   participles. This kind of the past participles and the present

   participles is used like adjectives to refer to a state or a

   quality, not an action. For example, the story he told me is

   interesting, and I am interested in it. Can you understand?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: There are some other past participles like interested an

   surprising, you should remember.' They are excited, bored, worried,

   frightened, tired, astonished, delighted, satisfied, amazed,

   disappointed and so on. Most of them are used in the news of

   Exercise 5. You should read the news again after class to further

   study them. Do you remember?

   Ss: Yes.

   Step V Summary and Homework

   T: Now, let's look at what we've learned in this period. First,

   we've revised and learned some words. Then we've learned the Past

   Participle as Attribute and Predicative. Mainly, we did some

   exercises to master them. Besides, we've learned some useful

   phrases, such as nine out of ten, look up to, fall in love with.

   (Write them on the Bb.)After class, you should do more exercises to

   consolidate what we've learnt in this period. And don't forget

   to preview what we'll learn in the next period. Are you clear?

   Ss: Yes.

   T: Class is over. See you tomorrow!

   Ss : See you tomorrow !

   Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

   Unit 2 News media

   The Third Period

   I .The Past Participle as Attribute and Predicative

   a. a broken cup-The cup is broken,.

   b. a polluted river-The river is polluted.

   c. a fallen tree-The tree is fallen,

   Ⅱ. Useful phrases:

   nine out of ten(= nine in ten), look up to, fall in love


   Step Ⅶ Record after Teaching

  • experienced [ik´spiəriənst] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有经验的;熟练的 四级词汇
  • formally [´fɔ:məli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.形式地,正式地 四级词汇
  • clause [klɔ:z] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.条(款);分句,从句 四级词汇
  • individually [,indi´vidʒuəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 adv.个别地 六级词汇
  • overseas [,əuvə´si:z] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.(向)海外 a.海外的 六级词汇
  • delighted [di´laitid] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.高兴的;喜欢的 四级词汇
  • summary [´sʌməri] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.摘要(的) 四级词汇
  • consolidate [kən´sɔlideit] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.巩固;合并;联合 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  高二