



  Teaching Plan for the Text of Unit 9

  of Book 1, Senior II


  by Ma Gang

  from Jiading No.2 High School



  Students are to be helped

  1. to understand the text A Christmas Present;

  2. to learn some of the language points:

  shopping at this time..., trying to..., on sale, with sth. +pp. etc.

  3. to practise listening and speaking through Questions and Answers and Further Discussions



  l A tape recorder and a video player;

  l A slide projector


  1.Reviewing some of the new words and expressions

  2.Presentation of the text:

  A video tape of the text play, performed by students

  3.Tape recordings of the text

  4. Drills for some of the important language points:

  1) shopping at this time... (-ing participle as subject)

  2) trying to tempt her... (-ing participle as adverbial)

  3) on sale

  4) with the present concealed.

  5.Questions and Answers according to the text aided with stick drawings:

  1) When did the story happen?

  2) What was Edith doing when the story began?

  3) What was she going to buy?

  4) Did she like shopping at this time of the year? Why not?

  5) What did the assistant do when he saw Edith pause in front of the counter?

  6) Why didn't she choose a tie as a present for her father?

  7) What did she buy at last?

  8) Did it take her a long time to make the decision?

  9) Why was her mother in an especially cheerful mood?

   10) How do you think Edith felt when she was told that her father had decided to give up smoking?

  6.Retelling of the text

  7.Further discussions:

  1) What else do you suppose the assistant would probably say when he tried to tempt Edith to buy a tie?

  2) Was it right for Edith to buy a pipe as a present for her father?



  1. Guided Writing at p.98 - p.101

  2. Supplementary Reading:

   The Gifts





文章标签:英语教案  高二