

   1. role n. 角色;作用;任务

   play an important role in... 在......中扮演重要角色; 在......中起重要作用

   He plays an important role in the students' union. 他在学生会中起重要作用.

   What's your role in the basketball game? 你在篮球赛中打什么位置?

   2. expect vt. 期待,期望;指望;预期;预料

   ① expect sth. I'm expecting a letter. 我在等一封信。We're expecting good weather.

   ② expect to do He expects to come back next Monday. 他预计下星期一回来。

   ③ expect sb. to do sth. You can't expect me to finish the work in just two days.


   ④ expect +that从句 They expected I would agree with them.

   3. breathe vi.& vt. breathe hard /with difficulty 呼吸困难 breathe in/out 吸入/呼初

   n. breath 呼吸 be out of breath 上气不接下气 hold one's breath 屏息, 不出声

   4. promote vt. 促进;提升

   The rain will surely promote the growth of the crops. 这场雨必定会促进庄稼的生长。

   Sports and games promote friendship. 运动促进友谊。

   5. impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的,感人的

   impression n. 印象 impress vt. 给人以...印象

   6. encourage vt. 鼓励;怂恿 (常跟复合宾语: encourage sb. to do sth.)

   The teacher often encourages his students to answer his questions loud.


   encouragement 鼓励,激励 to one's encouragement 令某人鼓舞的是...

   反义词:discourage vt. 使某人气馁, 使某人没有勇气

   discouragement n.

   7. depression n. 沮丧, 消沉

   depress vt. 使某人沮丧/消沉

   depressed adj. 感到沮丧/消沉的 depressing adj. 令某人沮丧/消沉的

   8.come to 苏醒,复苏(也可说 come to oneself 或 come to life)

   If you take two of the pills at a time, you will not come to until more than ten hours later.


   9. pull through (使)度过难关;(使)某人从疾病中恢复健康 (参考课本 P.102.)

   ① The doctor is sure that she will pull through (her illness).

   ② He lent me some money and so helped me pull through those tough years.

   ③ Many clothes were sent to the villagers so that they could pull through the cold winter.

   ④ Good nursing pulled him through. 细心的护理使他康复了。

   10. commit vt. 犯(错误、罪行);干(傻事、坏事) commit a big mistake 犯大错

   commit suicide 自杀 (= kill oneself )

   11. marry vi. 结婚 vt. 娶..., 嫁给..., 和...结婚

   ① He married late. 他结婚很晚。 ② Jack married Lisa in 1990.

   ③ Jack got married to Lisa in 1990. ④ Jack has been married to Lisa since 1990.

   12. get on (或 get along) 相处;进展

   I'm getting on well with my classmates.

   She's getting along very well with her lessons.

   Her lessons are getting along very well.

   13. involve vt. 使参与(某活动);使卷入/使陷入(某种状况)

   I'm involved in trouble. 我陷入了麻烦。

   He is involved in reading the book. 他在专心一意地读那本书。

   Don't involve yourself with those people. 别跟那帮人搅在一起。


   1) adj. 出席的(在场的) be present at... 反义词absent 缺席的 be absent from...

   -Is everybody present?

   -No, Tom hasn't turned up(到达, 露面).

   2) n.. 礼物 birthday present/ Christmas present

   3) v. 介绍;阐述;呈现; 赠送, 送给; 提出

   The headmaster presented the new teacher to the class. (介绍)

   On Teachers' Day, the students presented some beautiful flowers to their teachers.(赠送)

   He presented his view and sat down.. 他讲了自己的观点后坐了下来。

   4) present 作形容词,还可作"目前的/眼下的"解 at present 目前, 眼下

   5)presently adv. 过一会儿;不久 I'm coming presently. 我一会儿就来.

   15. popular 流行的,受欢迎的 be popular with/among sb. 受......的欢迎

   Ⅲ. 短语与句型:

   1. be famous for... 因...而出名


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