
  九年级英语上册Unit 5 教案

   教学课题 9A Unit 5 Films

   教学课时 Period 2

   教学目标 1. To understand key vocabulary related to a profile of Audrey Hepburn.

   2. To know some information about Audrey Hepburn

   教学重点与难点 1. Some names of Audrey's films

   2. The past perfect tense

   教学准备及手段 Teaching methods: task-based approach

   Teaching aids: tape recorder, multi-media

   教 学 流 程

   Step 1 Revision

   1. Ask the students:

   Where does Eddie think he should be? (Hollywood)

   2. Then show the picture of Hollywood, introduce something about Hollywood. Then ask Ss if they know some actors or actresses in Hollywood. Show some pictures of the Hollywood superstars.

   3. Ask Ss how much they know about the Oscars. Tell Ss that an Oscars is an award that is given in the USA each year for the best film, best actor, etc. in the film industry.

   Step 2 Presentation

   1. Introduce to Ss Audery Hepburn by showing them some of her film pictures. Ask them to read the reading passages to know more about her.

   2. Introduce some background information to the Ss.

   3. Ask the Ss:

   (1) Who is the famous actress in Roman Holiday?

   (2) Do you want to know more about Audrey Hepburn?

   4. Then ask the students to read the report about Audrey Hepburn, play the tape for them to listen.

   5. Play the tape again, pause if necessary to explain some new words or names of films.

   6. Ask the students to answer the questions. Check the answers together.

   Step 3 Practice

   1. Have a quick reading and find out a sentence to describe Audrey Hepburn.

   (1) When Audrey died in 1993, the world mourned the loss of a great beauty, a great actress, a great humanitarian

   (2) People remember her not only just as a great actress, but also as a great humanitarian

   2. Look at the pictures and make sure the markers of the films

   3. Ask the students to listen to the tape then try to retell the article. Then read it together.

   4. Language points:

   not only... but also... mourn the loss of...

   take ballet lessons at a very young age

   put most of her effort into... enter the film industry

   attract one's attention play the lead role

   mark the beginning of... shortly after

   make her final appearance throughout her acting years

   go beyond devote...to...

   present...with... remember...as...

   at the age of... have cancer

   be honoured with... pass away peacefully

   Step 4 Consolidation

   Have a discussion.

   1. Did her success only depend on her beauty?

   2. What can we learn from her?

   Step 5 Homework

   1. Copy the new words.

   2. Translate the text into Chinese.

   3. Finish the exercise book.

   4. Recite the phrases.




   思 通过"情境导入-词汇教学--快速阅读-研读-拓展与延伸"等环节激发学生的兴趣,引导学生掌握一定的阅读技巧,了解文章基本概况。重点短语本课较多,课后需记忆。

  • profile [´prəufail] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.侧面 vt.画...侧面 六级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三