
  九年级英语下册Module 2教案1

   第一部分 教学设计

   Function Talking about books, writers and thinkers

   Structure Present simple passive

   Listening/Speaking ● Matching words and photographs r

   ● Talking about favourite books, plays, poems and writers

   Reading/Writing ● Transforming information from a passage to a table

   ● Making notes and writing about a favourite book

   Around the world Plato

   Task Organizing a class talk

   Unit 1 Confucius' works are read by many people.

   ■Warm up by learning about object clauses.

   In the sentence "Confucius' works are read by many people." are read is an example of present simple passive. Its structure is " is/ am/ are +-ed".

   Now we go on to make as many similar sentences as possible.

   1. Men are attracted by women.

   2. The school is faced by a hill.

   3. He is called Xiao Wang by his friends.

   4. The book is written by a junior student.

   5. His homework is done by his father.

   6. A lot of trees are planted today.

   7. The environment is helped greatly by the river.

   8. A home is provided for the homeless people by the citizens.

   9. The air in my city is improved greatly.

   10. The building is made to look beautiful by the new paint.

   11. Two drinks are brought to me by a boy.

   12. Her bed is shared with others at night.

   13. A taxi is taken by a man standing there just now.

   ■Read and listen.

   On page 10 in the box is a dialogue between Mr. Jackson and Betty. Now let's go on to read it first. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)

   Useful expressions (有用的短语搭配)

   do...in the library, look for..., some old copies of the school magazine, get... right, be called..., as

   far as I remember, be started by..., have...any more, a school magazine, a pity, think about..., start...it again, sound like a good idea, go on, a bit difficult for the school magazine, a monthly article called..., reads a favourite work of literature, write an article about..., be still read by..., be still influenced by..., see plays, by millions of people, every yea, how about..., an American writer, for example, an important writer, be known as..., a great thinker, be still popular, in fact, write one's favourite book, be still read today, write on...

   ■ Find out all the present simple passive sentences.

   There are many present simple passive sentences in the dialogue. Now go over it to find out all the present simple passive sentences.

   1. Confucius' works are still read by many people today, and we're still influenced by his thoughts.

   2. And Shakespeare's plays are seen by millions of people every year.

   3. They're still read today.

   ■ Make present simple passive sentences.

   Present simple passive sentences are made by structure of "is/ am/ are+ -ed". Now you are to make as many present simple passive sentences as possible in pairs.

   1. My homework is done in the library.

   2. The missing boy is looked for by all the family members.

   3. Spelling mistakes in some old copies of the school magazine are gotten right by some of Class Two students.

   4. My teacher is called China's Mark Twain by our classmates.

   5. As far as I remember the English corner is started by two native speakers.

   6. Going to school on foot is thought about by all the parents.

   7. The singing group is started again today.

   8. A favourite work of literature is read every day by us at school.

   9. Her article about how to write poems is still read by us students in Taiyuan.

   10. We are still influenced by his way of learning English.

   11. Her plays are seen by millions of people every year.

   12. He is an important writer and he is known as a great thinker.

   13. My favourite book is written by her.

   14. She is still read today.

   15. How to learn English faster is written on by my teacher.

   ■ Act out the dialogue.

   Next we are going to act out the dialogue. First we shall be acting in pairs. Then two best pairs will be selected. And they shall put on the dialogue in front of the class. OK? Go ahead.

   ■ Talk as they do. (仿说)

   Let's go on to write, by imitation, a dialogue based on the one you learned just now.

   ■Close down by ask asking and answering conversation questions literature and books.

   1. How many English authors can you name?

   2. How many of Shakespeare's plays can you name?

   3. What is the last English book you read in your Chinese?

   4. What sort of books do you enjoy reading?

   5. Who is your favorite writer?

   6. Have you ever read a book and then seen a film of that book?

   7. Who are the most famous writers in China?

   8. How many books do you read per year?

   9. Do you think that books are a thing of the past?

   10. What are some of the main differences between a novel and a short story?

   11. About how many books do you have in your house?

   12. Are you a member of any public library?

   13. Do you like to write your own short stories?

   14. Some people say that "books are best friends". Is that true for you?

   15. What kinds of books or which authors don't you like?

  • homeless [´həumlis] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.无家的 六级词汇
  • gotten [´gɔtn] 移动到这儿单词发声 get的过去分词 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三