
  九年级英语9A Unit 5重点词组

   牛津英语9A Unit 5重点词组

   1.不但......而且......(谓语就近) not only.... but also...

   not just.... but also...

   2.电影明星 film star

   3.预备;做好准备 stand by

   4. 停止做白日梦 stop daydreaming

   5. 更加现实一些 be more realistic

   6. 宁愿当导演 would rather be a director

   7. 哀悼......的失去/损失 mourn the loss of......

   8. 上芭蕾舞课 take ballet lessons

   9. 把某人全部的努力投入到...... put all one's effort into...

   10. 进入电影业 enter the film industry

   11. 吸引某人的注意力 attract one's attention

   12. 扮演......的主角 play the lead role of...

   13. 标志着......的开始 mark the beginning of...

   14. 不久以后(常用于过去时) shortly after

   15. 被选中去做某事 be chosen to do sth.

   16. 在某人的一生中 during/in one's lifetime

   17. 最后一次在电影中露面 make one's final appearance in films

   18. 超过......;超越...... go beyond...

   19. 将......奉献于(做)某事 devote ...... to (doing) sth.

   20. 改编成...... make into...

   被改编成...... be made into...

   21. 与......在一起密切工作 work closely with...

   22. 帮助贫困的小孩 help needy children

   23. 赢得很多奖项 earn a number of awards

   24. (平静地)死去 pass away (peacefully)

   25. 适合于(所有年龄的人) be suitable for (all ages)

   26. 与某人相爱(与某人坠入爱河) fall in love with sb.

   27. 对某人有坏的影响 have a bad effect on sb.

   28. 有幸福的结局 have happy endings

   29. 在(表演)方面有经验 be experienced in (acting)

   30. 因......而出名 be well-known for = be famous/known for

   31. 上演员训练课程 take an actor's training course

   32. 赢得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖 win an Oscar for Best Actress

   33. 更多四个 four more = another four

   34. 对某人来说 to sb.

   35. 在她的整个演艺生涯中 throughout her acting years

   36. 作为......而记住某人 remember sb. as....

   37. 美国总统 the President of the United States

   38. 授予某人某物 present sb. with sth.

   39. 患癌症 have cancer

   40. 她最后一次散步 take her last walk

   41. 十在后(常用于过去时中) ten days later

   42. 在......岁时 at the age of...

   43. 持续......(时间) last for...

   44. 为某人赢得某物 earn sb. sth.

   45. 感到恐惧 feel scared

   46. 上气不接下气 out of breath

   47. 以......结尾 end with...

   以......开始 start/begin with...

   48. 最好(不)做某事 had better (not) do sth.

   49. 上演;上映;播放 be on

   50. 表演技巧(演技) acting skills

   51. 全世界 all over the world

   52. 在什么方面有坏的影响 have a bad effect on...

   53. 好的结尾have happy endings

   54. 你认为...怎么样what do you think of/about...=how do you like/find/feel...

   55. 最如爱河fall in love with...

   56. 在将来in the future

   57. 一部...的电影a film called/named/with the name of...

   58. 被选为...be chosen to do...

   59. 谈关于...talk about...

   60. 对...有利be good for...


文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三