
  Star sings重点词组

   Star sings重点词组

   1.have lots to eat and drink.有许多吃的和喝的

   2.you shouldn't worry about not having breakfast

   3.be familiar with 对...熟悉

   4.be similar to ...相似

   5.be divided into 被划分为...

   6.be patient with patients对病人有耐心

   7.energetic and active / take an active part in积极参加

   8.learn more about western culture学更多西方文化

   9.at times =sometimes=from time to time 有时

   10.like to be the leader想成为领导者

   11.can't wait to do something / be impatient to do something 迫不及待做某事

   12.can't help doing something情不自禁做某事

   13.give up doing=stop doing something放弃做某事

   14.be curious about 对...好奇

   15.take care of others=look after others喜欢照顾别人

   16.save money / save one's life攒钱/挽救某人的生命

   17.do some cooking 烹饪

   18.be confident of=have confidence in对...有信心

   19.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb

   20.a modest person / never show off 谦虚的人

   21.show sb around sp带领某人参观某地

   22.practical / pay(paid)attention to details

   23.be fair / unfair to 对...公平/不公平

   24.love peace (peaceful / peacefully)爱好和平

   25.argue / quarrel with sb about / over sth因某事而争吵

   26.keep secrets for sb 为某人保密

   27.It's silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes对你来说不原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的

   28.be humorous=have a good sense of humor 幽默的

   29.luck / lucky / luckily / unluck / unlucky / unluckily

   30.succeed in doing sth / do sth successfully / be successful in doing sth / have success at 成功做某事

   31.wise / wisely / wisdom 明智的/明智地/智慧

   32.creative and imaginative有创造性的和想象力的

   33.dream about / of doing sth (dreamt / dreamed) / dream a dream梦想做某事/做一个梦

   34.care only about oneself 只关心某人自己

   35.look angrily / sadly / happily at sb 生气/难过/高兴看

   36.practise doing sth / Practice makes perfect熟能生巧

   37.Mr wu spends lots of time explaining things to me = It takes Mr wu lots of time to explain things to me

   38.do an experiment in the laboratory在试验室做试验

   39.get a toothche / see the dentist患牙痛/看牙医

   40.the first cloned sheep第一个克隆羊

   41.be awake/wake sb up/woke /woken 醒着/把sb叫醒

   42.all kinds of butterflies各种各样的蝴蝶

   43.have my bikes repaired (have sth done)自行车带去修理

   44.have a lot to celebrate(celebration)有许多事庆祝

   45.have trouble/problems/difficulty(in) doing sth

   46.have fun (in) d oing

   =have a good time (in) doing sth高兴做...

   47.come up with new ideas = think of new ideas想出主意

   48.I'd like to recommend Tom as the new chairperson of Students' Union.推荐

   49.in the first week 在第一个星期

   50.get high/low/full/good/marks得...分数

   51.make/give a speech 演讲 spoken English口语

   52.do extra work / get more organized做额外工作/更有条理

   53.It's an excellent chance for people to learn team spirit.

   54.would you please do sth?请你做某事好吗?

   55.mind doing sth介意做某事

   56.It's one's pleasure to do sth / with pleasure

   57.a brave and hard-working person

   58.the most suitable person最适合的人

   59.treat sb equally 平等对待某人

   60.share sth with sb和某人分享某物

   61.at birth 在出生时

   62.worry too much at times有时过于担心

   63.travel to sp 到某地去旅行

   64.be good/clever at/=do well in擅长做某事

   65.at the age of 18=when sb be 18 在18 岁

   66.two more hours=another two hours又2个小时

   67.shortly after/before不久之后/之前

   68.enter the film industry/ enter the room/ entrance

   69.a film starring sb 一部有某人主演的电影

   70.Tom is the first /last to arrive at school.第一/最后

   71.last for 3 hours持续三个小时

   72.a French writer /speak French /two Frenchmen 法国作家

   73.protect the environment 保护环境

   74.throughout one's acting years 贯穿某人整个演艺生涯

   75.play an important role in 在...起着重要作用

   76.be suitable for all ages.老少皆宜

   77.keep silent /quiet/calm保持沉默/安静/冷静

   78.Gong li is considered as a talented actress被当做

   79.be about to do sth 打算做某事

   80.Anyway, the story itself is funny.无论如何,故事本身很


文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三