

   牛津英语9A Unit3重点词组

   1.擅长于.... be good/clever at...= do well in...2.在....方面弱 be weak in.....

   3.对.......有好处 be good for.... 4.对......有用 be useful to ....

   5.吃得太多 eat too much 6.担心太多 worry too much

   7.怎样处理 how...deal with...= what... do with...

   8.有have got (英) = have(美) 9.变胖 get/become fat

   10.青少年的问题 teenage/teenagers' problems

   11.得到足够的睡眠 get/have enough sleep

   12.(灯、电视等)开着、亮着 be on

   13.关于某事与某人争吵 quarrel(argue) with sb about sth.

   14.整天/整夜 all day/night 15.一个9级级学生 a Grade 9 student

   16.目前 at the moment = at present = now

   17.把(精力)集中于...focus on ... = give/pay special attention to ...

   18.别在意...... pay no attention to....

   19.如何在两者之间获得平衡how to achieve a balance between the two

   20.对...很着迷 be crazy about.... 21.呆在外面很迟 stay out late

   22.有时 from time to time=at times=sometimes

   23.提供某物给某人 offer /give sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb.

   24.收到某人来信 hear from sb.(短)= get/receive a letter from sb.(短)

   =have a letter from sb.(延)

   25.列一个...清单make a list of...

   26.解出(代词放中间)work ..out(代词放在中间)

   27.这条建议 this piece of advice=a suggestion

   28.忘记某事 forget about sth.------forget doing sth// forget to do sth

   29.上交(我的作业)hand in (my homework ) (代词放中间)

   30.分发 hand out (代词放中间),传过来........hand over (代词放中间)

   31.按时;准时on time 及时in time 32.得到低/高分get/receive low/high marks

   33.复习迎考 revise for tests 34.休息一会儿 have a rest for a while

   35.怎样解决这个问题 how to solve this problem 36.批阅试卷 mark the tests

   37.和某人分享某物 share sth. with sb.

   38.为...感到骄傲be proud of = take pride in... 39.轮流做某事 take turns to do sth.

   40.回复,回答(我的电子邮件)reply to (my e-mails) = answer (my e-mails)

   41.压力的解决方案/法 the solution(s) to stress

   42.为...腾出足够的时间make enough time for...

   43.压力的一个主要原因 one major cause of stress

   44.对...感到糟糕feel bad about...

   45.将担忧留给自己 keep your worries to oneself

   46.放弃某事(代词放中间)give sth. up

   47.放弃做某事 give up doing sth.

   48.忍受...痛苦suffer from

   49.成功..succeed in doing sth.= be successful in doing sth.

   50.有价值 be of value=be valuable

   51.对某人/物要求严格 be strict with sb/in sth

   52.常见花费的用法:It takes sb.some time to do sth

   Sb spend some time/some money( in)doing sth

   Sb spend some time/some money on sth

   Sth cost sb some money

   Sb pay some money for sth

   Sb buy sth for some money 具体详见9A精讲精练p37

   53.给人写信 write to...... 54.让人发疯 drive/make sb mad

   55.期待做.....look forward to doing sth 56.同意sb agree with sb

   57.忙于做..... be busy doing/with sth. 58.被看见在做......be seen doing sth

   被看见做了或经常做...be seen to do sth 另外类似有hear/watch /notice...

   59.打开电视.....turn on the TV 另外类似有 turn down/off/up......

   60.大量......plenty of/a lot of /a number of......

   注意a number of 和the number of 区分 61.发送......send .....to....

   62.出什么问题....what's the problem/trouble/matter with.....?

   What's wrong with.....?

   63.嘲笑...... laugh at..... 64.帮助.....help.....with/do sth.....

   65.在什么之间(二者)between .....and.....而(三者)是:among......and......

   66.看我肚子look at my stomach(pl.)stomachs

   67.Maybe you're right.=You may be right.

   68.有亲近的朋友说话have a close friend to talk to...

   69.别无选择have no choice but to... 70.熬夜 stay up late=go to bed late

   71.拒绝做...refuse to do sth 72.主动提出做...offer to do sth

   73.让我们生活有兴趣 make our lives interesting

   74.怎么做...what to do=how to do it

   75.到达...arrive in/at...=get to...=reach...

   76.愿意做...be willing to do sth=do sth willingly

   77.单独留下...leave sb/sth alone=by oneself=on one's own

   78.告诉某人事实/说实话tell sb the truth 79.好生 the top student

   80.值得做...be worth doing sth(worth不能用被动语态)

   81.允许(不)做...allow sb (not)to do sth

   82.我多么希望得到父母亲的支持 I wish I could have my parents' support.




   3.掌握 动词+宾语+ 形容词/或名词/名词短语(作宾补)的用法。


   ①S+V ②S+V+DO ③S+V+P ④S+V+IO+DO ⑤S+V+DO+OC

   5.掌握wish 和hope的用法。


  • revise [ri´vaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.修订;修改 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三