
  九年级英语9A 复习教案与学案

   Teaching plan----Revision of Unit 6 Detective Stories

   一、White the names of crimes and criminals according to the pictures(8分)

   Crimes: 1) 2) 3) 4)

   Criminals:1) 2) 3) 4)

   二、Fill in the blanks(15分)

   犯罪行为 犯罪类型 Noun 犯罪分子或人 Noun 犯罪行为Verb







   1. The banker's son was taken away by some _________. The banker was asked for a lot of money. Now the police are dealing with the _____________. (kidnap).

   2. The treasure minister (财政部长) in that small country ___________________ on a cold night. The ________has not been found out. (murder)

   3. __________sometimes happens in a supermarket. But___________are seldom caught. (shoplift)

   4. Last night when I got home I saw a ______ entering my house. Instantly I called the police, telling them that _______is happening in my house. (thief)

   Well done! You've mastered the words and most of you can use them correctly. Congratulations !So much for this! In this unit we've also learned some detective stories . Do you remember them? What are the stories. Can you say something about them?

   1) A 22-year-old man was murdered....2)A millionaire's son was kidnapped...... 3)A jewellery shop was robbed...... 4)Another man was murdered...... Such terrible things happen in our daily lives from time to time though we don't hope so .The criminals must be under arrest. So we need good detectives.How I wish I were a detective! Then I can solve many crimes and arrest the criminals and push them according to the laws. I think to be a detective is a good job . But I'm just a teacher. I hope many of you can become detectives. Do you want to be a detective?(Ss: Yes.) Good. But to be a dectective is not easy. From many detective stories we know that detectives must be very wise , creative, imaginative and very careful. Today I'll give you a chance to be a detective. If you want to be a detective you must be careful to pass two levels.

   Level 1:Test of words and phrases about crimes and criminals.

   Level 2:Tests of listening. Do some exercises from some examination papers.

   Do you want to try ? Let's have a look at who can be good detectives . Let's come to the first level.

   Level 1

   四、Translate the following phrases(8分)

   犯罪记录_______________ 谋杀案件的证人 _______________

   核对现场_______________ 在.....方面有过失 _______________

   用刀袭击某人_______________ 因......被通缉 _______________

   被逮捕 ______________ 一份报酬丰厚的工作 _______________


   attack/want/break into/be guilty of/bleed to death

   1.Dad,you are _______on the phone .

   2.The boss __________ computer crime in 1999.

   3.She __________ with a knife in the street and ________________ at last .

   4. I saw the thief _____________ the jewellery shop when I walked past it .

   dress/high /die/get along well with/be charged with

   5.It is_______ possible that it will snow tomorrow .

   6.He ___________________theft last year.

   7.A girl was found________ by the river .

   8.I am sure he will___________________ you.

   9.Look ! The girl ____________ like an angel .

   Level 2

   六、Listening practice(23分)

   A. Review detective stories (13分)

   Today something ______ happened. A 22-year-old man was _______in Valley Town .The _____ was found in the doorway of a clothes shop .The _____was a computer programmer .He was last seen ______ his office. The murder_____ _____ between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. The victim was _____ with a knife and there was evidence of a _______.The police are looking for clues that will help them find the ________. A ______ saw a man running down Upper Street with ______ on his shirt. The man said that he had evidence to_____ that he was not at the scene of the crime.

   B.Review detective report(10分)

   Sometime between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ,Guan Fei was __________ . We have two_________ . One is a ___________ . He has known Guan Dawei for_________. However, he ________ know the boy who was kidnapped . He went to the Guan's house that morning ,but in the evening he was at________ .The other is a ________ and she has known Guan Dawei for ___________. She ______ the boy who was kidnapped. She went to the Guan's house that day and left the house

   at _________.



   1. The brave young man caught those _________ (thief) and took them to the police station. They'll be charged with _______ (thief). (2006. 德州)

   2. The boy is _________(interest) in_______( science) and he wants to be a ________ (science). (2004. 南通)

   3. You can contact me by mobile phone.(同义句) (2004. 淮阴)

   You can contact me ____ _____ _______ _______.

   4. The murder took place between 7 pm. and 10 pm. (2005.北京)

   ______ ______the murder ______ place?

   5. Last year he was a salesman.

   What was _____ _____ last year? (2005. 烟台)


   1.I wondered...Where does he live?(合为宾语从句)

   2.Some robbers robbed the shop. (被动句)

   3.All the boys came here, but Tom didn't. (同义句)

   All the boys came here __________Tom.

   4. I get on well with my classmates. (提问)

   5. He said, "I have lost my money." (间接引语)

   八、看侦探故事(Who is the thief ?),找出真正的小偷。



   过了一会儿,又是敲门声。"请进!"门开了,一个男人走了进来:"喂,你在这儿干什么?" 哈克反问:"你是谁?怎么可以在我房间里这样说话?"那个男人不甘示弱:"你在我房间里干什么?你怎么进来的?"哈克说:"这是我的房间,321号。"那男的看了看门牌,忙说:"对不起,是我弄错了。"退出门去,顺手关上了门。



   A.第1个 B.第2个 C.第3个

   You've passed the second level . I'll give you a chance to be a detective. Let's look at a short detective story. In this story, a man's necklace was stolen . Try to catch the thief !

   Do you think who the thief is ? Why do you think so?

   (There are two suspects, the first man and the second man.)

   Maybe the first man is the thief . Because the tenant ordered breakfast and Niucheng Paper ,the first man brought him coffee and said he had made a mistake and went into the wrong room. I think maybe he is not a real waiter.

   Maybe the second man is the thief . Because before entering the room he knocked at the door . He said "this is my room" . If it is really his room . He doesn't need to knock at the door before entering the room .

   So I'm not sure who the thief is .

   I think to be a dective is not easy. We can not suspect a person easily . Certainly we can not judge someone guilty or not by imagination . To arrest someone is even more serious. We need plenty of evidence. If you are interested in the story, after class you may go on talking about it . Today's homework------write a short detective story about it.


   Revision of Unit 6 Detective Stories

   Name: Class: Mark:



   一、White the names of crimes and criminals according to the pictures(8分)

   Crimes: 1) 2) 3) 4)

   Criminals:1) 2) 3) 4)

   二、Fill in the blanks(15分)

   犯罪行为 犯罪类型 Noun 犯罪分子或人 Noun 犯罪行为








   1. The banker's son was taken away by some _________. The banker was asked for a lot of money. Now the police are dealing with the _____________. (kidnap).

   2. The treasure minister (财政部长) in that small country ___________________ on a cold night. The ________has not been found out. (murder)

   3. __________sometimes happens in a supermarket. But___________are seldom caught. (shoplift)

   4. Last night when I got home I saw a ______ entering my house. Instantly I called the police, telling them that _______is happening in my house. (thief)

   四、Translate the following phrases(8分)

   犯罪记录_______________ 谋杀案件的证人 _______________

   核对现场_______________ 在.....方面有过失 _______________

   用刀袭击某人_______________ 因......被通缉 _______________

   被逮捕 ______________ 一份报酬丰厚的工作 _______________


   attack/want/break into/be guilty of/bleed to death

   1.Dad,you are _______on the phone .

   2.The boss __________ computer crime in 1999.

   3.She __________ with a knife in the street and ________________ at last .

   4. I saw the thief _____________ the jewellery shop when I walked past it .

   dress/high /die/get along well with/be charged with

   5.It is_______ possible that it will snow tomorrow .

   6.He ___________________theft last year.

   7.A girl was found________ by the river .

   8.I am sure he will___________________ you.

   9.Look ! The girl ____________ like an angel .

   六、Listening practice(23分)

   A. Review detective stories (13分)

   Today something ______ happened. A 22-year-old man was _______in Valley Town .The _____ was found in the doorway of a clothes shop .The _____was a computer programmer .He was last seen ______ his office. The murder_____ _____ between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. The victim was _____ with a knife and there was evidence of a _______.The police are looking for clues that will help them find the ________. A ______ saw a man running down Upper Street with ______ on his shirt. The man said that he had evidence to_____ that he was not at the scene of the crime.

   B.Review detective report(10分)

   Sometime between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. ,Guan Fei was __________ . We have two_________ . One is a ___________ . He has known Guan Dawei for_________. However, he ________ know the boy who was kidnapped . He went to the Guan's house that morning ,but in the evening he was at________ .The other is a ________ and she has known Guan Dawei for ___________. She ______ the boy who was kidnapped. She went to the Guan's house that day and left the house

   at _________.



   1. The brave young man caught those _________ (thief) and took them to the police station. They'll be charged with _______ (thief). (2006. 德州)

   2. The boy is _________(interest) in_______( science) and he wants to be a ________ (science). (2004. 南通)

   3. You can contact me by mobile phone.(同义句) (2004. 淮阴)

   You can contact me ____ _____ _______ _______.

   4. The murder took place between 7 pm. and 10 pm. (2005.北京)

   ______ ______the murder ______ place?

   5. Last year he was a salesman.

   What was _____ _____ last year? (2005. 烟台)


   1.I wondered...Where does he live?(合为宾语从句)

   2.Some robbers robbed the shop. (被动句)

   3.All the boys came here, but Tom didn't. (同义句)

   All the boys came here __________Tom.

   4. I get on well with my classmates. (提问)

   5. He said, "I have lost my money." (间接引语)

  • happening [´hæpəniŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.事件,偶然发生的事 四级词汇
  • creative [kri:´eitiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有创造力的;创作的 四级词汇
  • imaginative [i´mædʒənətiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.富于想象(力)的 六级词汇
  • necklace [´neklis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.项链 四级词汇
  • revision [ri´viʒən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.修订(本);修改 六级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三