
  How do you study for a test-2nd period教案

   Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

   1. Knowledge Objects

   (1) Key Vocabulary

   aloud, pronunciation

   What about... ?

   (2)Target Language

   Have you ever studied with a group?

   Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way.

   2. Ability Objects

   (1)Train students' listening skill.

   (2) Train students' communicative competence.

   3. Moral Object

   If there is an English club in your school, join it to improve your English.

   Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

   1. Key Vocabulary

   What about...?

   2. Target Language

   Have you ever studied with a group?

   Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way.

   3. structure

   verb + by with gerund.

   Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points

   1. What about...?

   2. verb + by with gerund

   Ⅳ. Teaching Methods

   1. Pairwork

   2. Teaching by explanation

   Ⅴ. Teaching Aid

   A tape recorder

   Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures


   Check homework. Invite different students to report their discovery of new ways of studying that haven't been introduced in the book or in class.

   S1: My friend Peter likes to listen to music while he studies.

   S2: My father used to go to the library where it was very quiet.


   Step Ⅱ 2a

   This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

   Call students' attention to the picture.

   Ask, What do you think is happening?

   Who are they? Guide the students to say. They are members of an English club that meets after school once a week. They are talking about the ways to learn English.

   Point to the list of questions in the box.

   Get different students to read them to the class.

   Say, Listen to a conversation among the members of the English club. Check the questions you hear.

   Point out the sample answer.

   Play the recording for the first time.

   Students only listen. Play the recording again. This time students listen and check the questions they hear. Check the answers with the whole class.


   checked questions: 1,2,4,5


   Girl 1:Welcome to the English club. Today we're going to talk about the best ways to learn English. Who has an idea?

   Boy 1: Do you learn English by watching English-language videos?

   Girl 2:No. It's too hard to understand the voices.

   Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?

   Girl 2:I think so. It helps to write English every day.

   Girl 3: Have you ever studied with a group?

   Girl 2:Yes,l have! I've learned a lot that way.

   Girl 1: Do you ever practice conversations with friends?

   Girl 2: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills.

   Boy 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

   Girl 3: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

   Boy 2: I do too. And I always look up new words in a dictionary.

   Girl 3: That's a great idea!


   What about reading aloud to practise pronunciation? = Do you learn English by reading aloud to practise pronunciation?

   Write the sentences above on the black board.

   StepⅢ 2b

   This activity provides listening practice using the target language.

   Point to the list of answers in the box.

   Get different students to read the answers to the class.

   Point to the checked questions in Activity 2a.

   Say, You are to listen to the same conversation again. This time write the letter of the correct answer after each question you checked in Activity 2a. Point out the sample answer. Play the recording again.

   Students write the letters in the blanks. If necessary, play the recording once more so that students have an opportunity to check their answers themselves. Check the answers with the whole class.


   1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a

   Step Ⅳ 2c

   This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Invite a pair of

   students to read the sample conversation to the class.

   SA: Have you ever studied with a group?

   SB: Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way.

   Write the sample conversation on the blackboard.

   Read the instructions. Say, Make conversations using information from Activities 2a and 2b with a partner. As students work, move around the classroom listening in on various pairs so as to check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.

   After students have had a chance to practice several exchanges, ask pairs to come

   to the front of the room and act out their conversations.

   Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus

   Invite a pair of students to say the questions and answers to the class.

   SA: How do you study for a test?

   SB: I study by listening to cassettes.

   SA: How do you learn English?

   SB: I learn by studying with a group.

   SA: Do you learn English by reading aloud?

   SB: Yes, I do.

   Write the three sentences containing by doing on the blackboard.

   Ask students to look at the blackboard.

   Underline the words by listening, by studying and by reading aloud. Say, When you ask how to do something or to tell how you do something, you often use the word "by" followed by an-ing word.

   Dictate the following sentences:

   1. I study by reading my notes.

   2. I learn by reading the textbook.

   3. Do you study by making flashcards?

   4. Does he study by going to the library!

   Write the following on the blackboard:

   learn new words, make a list,

   study for a test, ask the teacher for help Ask students to practice asking and answering questions using each pair of expressions.

   sample answers

   Conversation 1

   A: How do you learn new words?

   B: I learn new words by making a list.

   Conversation 2

   A: Do you study for a test by asking the teacher for help?

   B: Yes, I do.

   Pronunciation note

   When saying the words "do you" in questions, English speakers often run the words together and pronounce the written words as if they were d'you.

   StepⅥ Summary

   Say, In this class, we've learned the target language. Have you ever studied with a group? Yes, I have. I've learned a lot that way. key vocabulary what about...? and the structure verb+by with gerund

   Step Ⅶ Homework

   Ask the students to write two sentences with what about... ? and two sentences with verb + by with gerund.

   Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design

   Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

   Section A

   The Second Period

   1. What about reading aloud to practise pronunciation? = Do you learn English by reading aloud to practise pronunciation?

   2. Target language:

   A: Have you ever studied with a group?

   B:Yes,I have. I've learned a lot that way.

   3. I study by listening to cassettes.

   I learn by studying with a group.

   Do you learn English by reading aloud?


文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三