
  The Third Period教案

   Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands

   1. Knowledge Objects

   (1) Key Vocabulary

   frustrating, memorize, specific, grammar. differently, frustrate, quickly, add, not at all, excited, end up

   (2) Target Language

   Do you write vocabulary lists?

   Oh, yes. I do it often.

   2. Ability Objects

   (1) Train students' integrating skills.

   (2) Train students' ability of social practice.

   3. Moral Object

   Maybe you find English frustrating sometimes. But do remember not to give it up.

   As we know, where there is a will, there is a way.

   Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points

   Listening, speaking, reading, and writing practice using the target language.

   Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Point

   Train students' integrating skills.

   Ⅳ. Teaching Method Role playing

   Ⅴ. Teaching Aid A projector

   Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures

   Step I Revision

   (1) Revise the target language presented in previous classes by making up conversations.

   (2) Check homework. Get several students to read their sentences aloud to the class. Then collect the writing and write a comment on each paper before returning them.

   Show the key vocabulary words on the screen by a projector.

   specific adj. 明确的;详细而精确的

   memorize v.记忆;背诵

   grammar n. 语法;语法规则

   differently adv. 不同地;有区别地

   frustrate v.使失望;使沮丧;使厌烦

   frustrating adj.令人沮丧的;令人失望的

   quickly adv.快地;迅速地

   add v.又说;继续说

   not at all 根本(不);全然(不)

   excited adj.激动的;兴奋的

   end up 结束;告终

   Say the words and have the students repeat again and again until they can pronounce the words fluently and accurately.

   Step Ⅱ 3a

   This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target language.

   Call attention to the article. Read it to the class or ask a student to read it instead. Point to the chart beneath the article. Explain to the students that they will read the article and then write in the chart the ways of learning English that are unsuccessful, OK and successful for the students Lillian Li. Wei Ming and Liu Chang. Point out the sample answer. Help the students find the information in the reading. Ask a student to read the sentence to the class: When we asked about studying grammar, she said, "I never study grammar. It's too boring."

   Say, Read the article again arid complete the chart on your own. As students work, move around the classroom answering any questions they may have.

   Write the correct answers on the black board so that students can check the spelling and other details of their answers.


   Ways of learning English

   Not successful



   Lillian Li

   Studying grammar

   Memorizing the words of pop songs

   Reading English magazines

   Wei Ming

   Watching English movies

   Studying grammar

   Liu Chang

   Having conversations with friends

   Joining the English club

   Optional activity

   Ask students to create a chart like the one in Activity 3a on a sheet of paper. Then

   have students fill in the chart using information about their own ways of learning

   English. Encourage students to exchange their completed charts with others in the class.

   A sample answer

   My own ways of learning English



   Not successful

   Listening to cassettes

   Reading the textbook

   Watching English-language TV

   Step Ⅲ 3b

   This activity provides oral practice using the target language. Read the instructions

   to the class. Ask students to find partners and decide who is student A and who is

   student B.

   Point out the uncompleted sample conversation. Invite two more advanced students to say and complete the sample conversation.

   SA: I'm doing a survey about learning English. Can I ask you some questions?

   SB: Sure.

   SA: Great! What's your name?

   SB: Wei Ming.

   SA: And how do you learn English, Ming?

   SB: I think studying grammar is a great way.

   SA: Do you often watch English movies?

   SB: Yes, I do it sometimes. I can watch the actors say the words. But sometimes I find it frustrating because the people speak too quickly.

   SA: I hope that you can get good grades in English. Thank you very much for this interview. Goodbye.

   SB: You are welcome. Bye.

   Ask students to make up conversations like the one above using information from Activity 3a. As they work. move around the room offering language support as needed. A few minutes later, change them round so that both students have the opportunity to interview the other.

   Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.

   Step Ⅳ Part 4 Interview

   This activity provides reading, writing, listening and speaking practice using the target language.

   Read the instructions to the class. Focus attention on the chart. Get students to check what they do to learn English. You may wish to give an example from your own experience. Remind the students of the differences among often, sometimes and never. Invite a pair of students to say the sample conversation to the class.

   SA :Do you write vocabulary lists?

   SB :Oh, yes. I do it often.

   Write the conversation on the blackboard.

   Say, Work in pairs. Interview your partner and fill in the chart. As the students do this, walk around the room to make sure that they ask and answer questions in English and fill in the chart correctly.

   If time permits, ask a few students to tell the class about the partners they have interviewed.

   Answers to the chart will vary.

   StepⅥ Summary

   Say, In this class, we've learned some key vocabulary words and the target language. We've also done a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing practice using the target language.

   Step Ⅶ Homework

   (1) Ask students to collect information and write an article about how to learn to do something new. The article may be about how to learn to swim, how to learn to play soccer and so forth.

   (2)Finish off the exercises on pages 1~2 of the workbook.

   Step Ⅷ Blackboard Design

   Unit 1 How do you study for a test?

   Section A

   The Third Period

   1. Answers to Activity 3a:

   Ways of learning English

   Not successful



   Lillian Li



   memorizing the words of pop songs

   reading English magazines

   Wei Ming

   Watching English movies

   studying grammar

   Liu Chang



   with friends

   joining the English club

   2. Target language:

   A: Do you write vocabulary lists?

   B: Oh, yes. I do it often.

  • memorize [´meməraiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.记住(录);存储 六级词汇
  • target [´tɑ:git] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.靶子;目标;指标 四级词汇
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • revise [ri´vaiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.修订;修改 四级词汇
  • unsuccessful [,ʌnsək´sesful] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不成功的,失败的 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  九年级  九年级英语  初三