

  UNIT4 Where's my backpack



  Step1 Warming up

  1 T: I also like the classroom. It's a big room. ......

   What can you see in my room?

   What other things can you see?

   <Show a picture. P1>

  Teach new words(table chair sofa bed bookcasedresser drawer) and read them.

  2 T:Who has a backpack?(Let one student show)

  Teach new words.(backpack a baseball keys a plant) <P2>


  Step2 Practise

  1 Use a book and teach "in on under". Show a flashcard.

   A:Where is the book?

   B:It's on the desk.

   A:Where is the book?

   B:It's in the desk?

   A:Where is the book?

   B:It's under the desk?

   Let Ss read.

  2 Open the book(3c).Let the Ss work in pair and act it out.


  Step3 Game

   Play "Simon Says Game"


  Step4 Pairwork

  1 Open the book.(2c). Let Ss read questions and answers.

  2 Work in groups of four. Ask Ss "Put the thing in the room" .

  Call several pairs to act it out.

  e.g S1:Where is the backpack?

   S2:It's on the bed?


  Step5 Put these sentences in order to make a conversation.

   Open the book(3a). Let Ss do. Then check the answers. Have the Ss read together.


  Step6 Design your bedroom

  1 Have each group draw bedroom and then tell the class"What your room like?"

  Student show his/her bedroom and design it

  2 Show a flashcard <P3>

  Step7 Homework

  Write down "My bedroom" in exercise book.


  Hand in pictures..


  • bookcase [´buk-keis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.书架(箱) 六级词汇
  • dresser [´dresə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(剧院)服装员;碗柜 四级词汇

文章标签:英语教案  七年级  七年级英语  初一  七年级英语教案  新目标