
Group Works to Build Peace Through Medicine (1/2)

How do you definediplomacy? For the group Physicians for Peace, diplomacy is all about bringing medical education and care to places where they are needed most.

This nonprofit organization brings together medical volunteers from different cultures and opposing sides of conflicts. Its message is "building peace and international friendships through medicine."Physicians for Peace is based in the American state of Virginia. Doctor Charles Horton, a surgeon " class="hjdict" word="plastic surgeon " target=_blank>plastic surgeon known for his humanitarian work, established the group in the nineteen eighties.

More then five hundred teams of doctors, dentists, nurses and others have gone to nearly sixty countries. Some programs have lasted for years. For example, Physicians for Peace has had a program to treat burn victims in Nicaragua since nineteen ninety-two. Other developing nations use this program as an example for their own burn care programs.

In Africa, the group is active in Liberia, Senegal, Mali and Malawi. And, in January, Physicians for Peace will launch a class in pediatrics and general surgery in Eritrea. Thirteen medical students will learn about treating children and performing operations. In the future they will train others.



这个非营利组织把来自不同文化的,有着对立冲突的医疗志愿者聚到一起。该组织要传达的信息是: 通过医学建立和平与国际友谊。和平医师的基地在美国的弗吉尼亚州。在80年代,查尔斯霍顿医生,以人道主义工作而出名的一名塑形外科医生,成立了这个小组。


在非洲,这个组活跃在利比里亚,塞内加尔,马里和马拉维。另外, 在1月份,和平医师组织将在厄立特里亚开设儿科和普通外科的学习班。 13名医科学生将学习治疗儿童和施行手术, 将来他们会培训其他人。

