
Want to Stay Warm in Winter? Think COLD (2/2)

The C stands for cover. Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head, neck and ears. And wear mittens instead of gloves. Gloves may not keep hands as warm because they separate the fingers.The O stands for overexertion. Avoid activities that will make you sweaty. Wet clothes and cold weather are a bad mix.

L is for layers. Wearing loose, lightweight clothes, one layer on top of another, is better than a single heavy layer of clothing. Also, make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightlyknit material.

Can you guess what the D in COLD stands for? D is for dry. In other words, stay as dry as possible. Pay attention to the places where snow can enter, like the tops of boots, the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens.

And a couple of other things to keep in mind, one for children and the other for adults. Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the body's temperature. And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm, but what it really does is weaken the body's ability to hold heat.Next week, experts talk about what to do, and not to do, to help someone injured by extreme cold.


字母C代表"覆盖"。 戴上帽子、围上围巾以免热量从头、颈和耳朵散发。还要戴连指手套代替分指手套。 分指手套把手指分开,因此不能让手保暖。字母O代表"用力过度"。避免那些让你出汗的活动。潮湿衣服和寒冷天气是糟糕的组合。

L 代表"层次"。把宽松、把轻巧的衣服一层套到另一层上比只穿一层厚重的衣服更好。并且要确保外套由防水和密密编织的材料做成的。

你能猜出COLD这个词里 D 代表什么吗? D 代表 "干燥"。换句话说,我们要尽量保持干燥。注意那些雪可能进入的地方,象靴子顶部、大衣的领口和手套的腕部。


