Study Supports Home Care for Severe Pneumonia in Children (2/2)
The treatment failed in eighty-seven children in the hospitalized group and seventy-seven in the home group. These children were then given another therapy.During the study, five children died, four of them in the hospital group.
W.H.O. medical officer Shamim Qazi says the new findings will help children, families and hospitals. Children may get other infections in a hospital. Many hospitals are already overcrowded. And treatment at home would be less costly.
The study confirmed the findings of three other studies in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. These showed that in hospitals, oral antibiotics were just as effective as injectable antibiotics in treating severe pneumonia in children. A few cases are so severe they will still need hospital care. But Doctor Qazi says the W.H.O will be updating its guidelines this year with the new evidence.
Boston University professor Donald Thea led the research in Pakistan. Doctor Thea says a change could lead to new training for community health workers. If they learn how to treat severe pneumonia in young children locally, then more children are likely to survive.
世界卫生组织的卫生官员沙米姆·卡齐说这些新发现将有助于儿童、家庭和医院。儿童可能会在医院中受到其他感染。很多医院都已人满为患, 并且家庭治疗花费更少。
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