Candidates Challenged to Make Global Warming Priority (2/3)
Jonathan Shrier is a member of the National Security Council under president Bush. He says a White House initiative" class="hjdict" word="initiative" target=_blank>initiative to engage the major polluting nations - from both developed and developing countries - began last December. He says the goal is not to subvert a new post-Kyoto agreement, but to contribute to it.
"I think that the key point is that the need for the world's largest economies, the world's largest emitters of greenhouse gases, to talk collectively about solutions in parallel or in collaboration is going to live on. I certainly hope that we find a way to keep this going."
Roger Ballentine says that plan may require some refinement" class="hjdict" word="refinement" target=_blank>refinement by the next president. "And it could end up being basically the same thing, but you are going to have to take the Bush stamp off it in a very clear way and put a 'whatever' stamp on it."
Bill Becker says the Presidential Climate Action Plan details a 'G-8 plus Five' scheme in which polluters from developing countries make early commitments, but defer immediate action.
Jonathan Shrier是布什总统的国家安全委员会成员,他说白宫从去年12月开始针对一些主要污染国(包括发达国家和发展中国家)提出倡议。他说目标并不是破坏京都协议定书,而是要促成它。
Roger Ballentine说该计划可能需要下一届总统做一些细化。"虽然最终可能基本上是同一回事,但你必须去掉上面的'布什'标签,然后贴上'不管是哪位总统'的标签。"
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