Learning Words, Donating Rice (1/2)
Whoever thought learning new words could feel socially responsible? A Web site called FreeRice.com is an English vocabulary game. It explains its purpose like this: "For each word you get right, we donate 20 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger."
The site began in October. It says thirty billion grains of rice have been donated so far. The United Nations World Food Program does not really get rice. The donations are given in the form of money. Advertisers whose names appear with links at the bottom of the game pay for the rice. Individuals can also become sponsors.
Words are presented with four choices of answers. Players click on the one that best defines the word. If they answer correctly, they get a harder word. If they choose wrong, they get an easier word. Spoken pronunciations are also provided.
Currently, the FreeRice game has fifty-five levels of difficulty. Players rarely get past level forty-eight."Does FreeRice make any money from this?" That is one of the frequently asked questions on the site. "No, it does not. FreeRice runs the site at no profit," says the answer.
谁会想到学习新单词也能带来社会责任感呢? FreeRice.com是一家英语单词游戏网站.它这样解释网站的目的: 你每选对一个单词,我们就通过联合国粮食计划署捐献20粒大米用以帮助消除饥饿."
该网站从去年十月开始运营. 据说至今已捐献出了三百亿粒大米. 当然,联合国粮食计划署不是以实物而是以钱的方式捐赠. 在该单词游戏的底部链接着为这些大米买单的广告商. 个人也可以成为赞助商.
游戏中的单词下面有四个选项. 参加者只需要点击最能解释该单词的选项即可.如果他们的答案正确,下一题便是一个更难的词,如果选择错误,便得到一个更容易的词.并且也提供读音。
目前,FreeRice的单词游戏根据难度分成五十五级. 参加者一般很难通过第四十八级. "FreeRice有没有从中获利呢?"这个是网站上问的最多的问题之一. "不,他们没有。FreeRice是一个非营利性网站。"他们这样答到。
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