波兰总理唐纳德·图斯克警告世人不要忘记战争教训。德国总理默克尔在国内发表电视讲话,讲述德国纳粹发动这场战争,给人类造成巨大灾难。俄罗斯:苏德条约别无选择。纪念活动中,普京的一举一动引发关注。俄波两国就历史问题产生激烈争执。BBC news with David Ludstone
Leaders from Poland, Russia and Germany have commemorated the anniversary of the start of the Second World War. The series of ceremonies in the Polish city of Gdansk. the first shots were fired there 70 years ago. Johnny Diamond was in Gdansk watched the day's events.
At a ceremony in the dark, the heroism of those Polish soldiers who withstood the first onslaught of the Verma was remembered. The Polish president and Prime Minister spoke at the senior military and religious figures. In a background, a simmering row with Russian leaders of academics over responsibility for the war. The Polish president spoke of betrayal of a stab in the back when the Soviet Union invaded his country 2 weeks into the German attack. In amongst the accusations of counteraccusations the German chancellor spoke. Angela Merkel's theme was rememberence and at the heart of her speech one line. "I bow my head" she said before the victims.
commemorate 纪念
Gdansk 格但斯克
withstood 承受
onslaught 进攻
simmering 酝酿