maintenance & administration panels
access customer station rearrangement
access control or moves, adds, and changes
Main Cross-Connects
In a premises distribution system, main cross-connects are the cross connects located in an equipment room.
metropolitan area
network MCU
mobile control unit
transmission medium; yielded media; unguided media.
Message Telecommunications Service (MTS)
MTS is a non-private-line intrastate and
interstate long-distance that uses in whole or in part the public switched telephone
network (PSTN).
Modification of Final Judgment
Military Fiber-Optic Transmission System
frequency MHS
message handling system
management information base
Material Identification Code
In telecommunications, microwaves are frequencies above 1 GHz.
million instructions per second
Modems (MOdulator/DEModulators)
Modems are devices that
transform digital signals generated by data
terminal equipments (DTEs) to analog signal formats, suitable for
transmission through the extensive, world-wide connectivity of public and private, switched (dial up) and non-switched telephone voice
Modification Of Final Judgment (MFJ)
MFJ is a ruling issued by U.S. District Court Judge Harold Greene which concluded the U. S. Justice Department's antitrust suit against AT&T by
modification of an earlier (1956) consent decree's final judgment.
Modulation is the process of varying certain parameters of a
carrier signal i.e., a signal suitable for modulation by an information signal by means of another signal (the modulating or information
bearing signal).
Moving Pictures Experts Group
metropolitan switching system
mobile telephone switching office
message telecommunications service
Multiline Telephone
A multiline telephone is a telephone that incorporates visual displays and switches (keys) that permit the station user to
access more than one central office or other line and to perform other desired functions. Typical functions include answering or originating a call on a selected line, putting a call on hold, operating an intercom feature, a buzzer, etc. Displays can indicate busy, ringing and message waiting status.
Multimode Optical Fiber(S)
Multimode fibers, with much wider cores than single mode fibers, allow light to enter at various angles, and reflect (bounce off of) core-clad boundaries as electromagnetic (light) wave propagates from transmitter to
receiver. From a
technical performance trade-off point of view, single mode fiber exhibits bandwidths of up to 100,000 MHz (MHz = 1,000,000 hertz or cycles per second = one megahertz) while multimode band width is in the range of 1,000 to 2,000 MHz (1,000 MHz = one
billion hertz = one gigahertz = 1 GHz). See optical fiber(s); single modefiber(s).
Multiplexing is a
technique that enables a number of communications channels to be combined into a single broadband signal and transmitted over a single circuit. At the receiving
terminal, demultiplexing of the broadband signal separates and recovers the original channels. Multiplexing makes more
efficient use of
transmission capacity to achieve a low per channel cost. Two basic multiplexing methods used in telecommunications systems, are
frequency division multiplexing (FDM) and time division multiplexing (TDM).
Major Trading Area (MTA) - An area defined by the U.S. government and used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to
designate personal communications services market areas.
Mbps - Megabytes per second (MB is also used as an abbreviation for Megabyte).
Megabyte (MB)- A million bytes or a thousand kilobytes.
Miscellaneous Taxes - Like many other
consumer goods and services, certain telephone services are taxed by federal, state, and local governments. These charges may appear as a ※gross receipts§ tax.
Modem - A device for converting digital signals from your computer into analog signals for
transmission over a phone line (modulation) and also converts the analog signals from the phone into digital signals that your computer can read (demodulation).