
"knock" 这个单字每个学英文的人都懂, 但他却通常不会单独一个字出现, 而是与其它字组成"phrasal verb"出现在口语中. 例如:
1) "knock out (筋疲力尽)" - I'm knocked out after a whole day's work (一整天的工作后, 我真累得要命)
2) "knock it off (停下来)" - Please knock it off with these inane posts (请停止寄出这些疯狂的邮件)
3) "knockout (给人留下深刻印象的人)" - His new girlfriend is a real knockout (他的新女友实在真的很动人)
4) "knock someone flat (把某人打倒)" - I'll knock you flat if you dare touch my girlfriend (要是你够胆碰我的女友, 我就揍你个半死)
5) "knock someone out (使某人大吃一惊)" - I was informed that I came in first in the competition. It absolutely knocked me out (我获知比赛得了第一名, 这真使我大吃一惊)


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