

Don't let me down. 不要让我失望

Let someone down 是一个固定搭配,意思是使某人失望,使某人沮丧,或者在紧要关头不支持、抛弃某人。

Scene 1

A:How is the negotiation going?谈判现在进展如何?

B:I'm stuck on one issue. It's hard to tell what the final result will be.我被一件事缠住了,现在很难讲结果会如何。

A:Don't let me down.别令我失望。

Scene 2

A:The football team has let the fans down again.球队又一次让球迷失望。

B:It's not a big surprise to me.对我来说这没什么大惊小怪的。

Scene 3

A:Did you see the famous singer's performance last night? What did you think of his show?昨晚你看没看那位歌星的表演,你觉得他演得怎么样?

B:Oh, his performance really let me down.哦,他的表演真令我失望。

Scene 4

A:Tomorrow you're going to attend the entrance exam. Don't let me down.明天你就要参加高考了,不要让我失望。

B:No problem. I won't let you down.没问题,我不会让失望的。

Scene 5

A:At the game this tennis player really let me down.这网球运动员在比赛中的表现令人失望。

B:I'll say.我也有同感。

Give it to me straight. 有话直说

如果你认为对方说话拐弯抹角、吞吞吐吐,让人难以理解,你可以用这句口语。英语中,要对方直接说出自己的想法、意图,除了Give it to me straight. 这句常用的表达方式外,还有 Stop beating around the bush. 别绕圈子。bush 在这里的意思是灌木丛。

Scene 1

A:I'm sorry, I don't have good news for you.很抱歉,我有个坏消息要告诉你。

B:Give it to me straight.你就直说吧。

A:You failed your final examination.你期未考试不及格。

Scene 2

A:I have to trouble you for a while. I need to tell you some bad news.我得打扰你一会儿,有个坏消息要告诉你。

B:Give it to me straight. Did my son cause some trouble?


A:He had a fight with his classmate and the boy was taken to the hospital.他跟同学打架,现在那孩子送去医院了。


1. I was fired! Tell me the reason. Give it to me straight.我被解雇了!告诉我什么原因,直说吧。

2. You want to live at your office. Why? Give it to me straight.你想住办公室,为什么?有什么话就直说吧。

3. You said my salary is too high. What do you means? Give it to me straight.你说我薪水太高,什么意思?有话请直说。

He's in a conference now. 他正在开会

在繁忙的日常生活中,开会是经常要碰到的事。打电话找人或者直接去公司找人,经常会发生要找的人正在开会的情况。如果他的秘书或者同事告知:He's in conference now. 你只有等待或者回头再来。

Scene 1

A:Hello! This is Helen, May I speak to Miss Du?喂,我是海伦,杜小姐在吗?

B:I'm sorry. She's in a conference now. May I help you with something?对不起,她正在开会,有什么我可以帮你吗?

Scene 2

A:Excuse me. I'd like to see your manager.打搅一下,我想见你们经理。

B:I'm sorry. He's in a conference now. May I have your name please?对不起,他正在开会,可以留下您的姓名吗?

Scene 3

A:I'd like to speak with Mr. Chen, the engineer of your department.我想和你们部的陈工讲话。

B:I'm sorry. He's in a conference now.抱歉,他正在开会。

Scene 4

A:A telephone call from your wife.您太太的电话。

B:Tell her I'm in a conference now. I'll call her later.告诉她我正在开会,过一会打给她。

Do you have any openings. 你们需要人手吗?

这句话通常用来求职,如果你需要一个工作,去咨询聘方有无空缺,通常会用到这句话:Do you have any openings? opening是open的动名词形式,意思是空白、缺位。

Scene 1

A:Excuse me, sir. I heard that you're looking for an interpreter. Do you have any openings?打扰一下,听说您这正在招聘一名翻译,请问还有空缺吗?

B:Do you have any similar experience?你以前有过类似的经验吗?

A:I'm afraid I don't have any experience, but I majored in English when I was in college.恐怕我没有什么经验,但我上大学时主修英文。

Scene 2

A:Do you have any openings?你们有缺人吗?

B:What would you like to do?你希望做什么?

A:I wish I could be a movie star. I mean, I'd like to do something which is related to film making.我希望成为电影明星。或者做一些与电影有关的工作。

B:First you have to learn the ropes.首先,你得做一些杂活。

Scene 3

A:Do you have any openings?你们需要人手吗?

B:We need a driver/lawyer/doctor.是的,我们需要一名司机/律师/医生。

Far from it. 一点也不

Far from it 的意思是绝对没有那事、远非如此、差得远。可以用来表示强烈的否认,谦虚等。当有人赞扬你的时候,可以用这个短评表示谦虚,或者当自己对某件事不甚精通的时候,可以用这个短评表示虚心。

Scene 1

A:Can I ask you a question about finance?能向你请教一个财务问题吗?

B:Far from it. 我可是一窍不通。

Scene 2

A:Can you help translate this news into English?能帮我把这条新闻译出来吗?

B:Oh, I'm afraid I can't. My English isn't good, far from it.我恐怕不行,我的英语不好。

Scene 3

A:What's your sign of the zodiac(星座)?你是什么星座?

B:I don't know anything about the zodiac. Do you know anything about the zodiac? 我对星座问题不了解,你了解吗?

A:Far from it.一点也不懂。

Scene 4

A:Can you run fast?你跑得很快吗?

B:Far from it. I'm quite slow.一点也不,我跑得相当慢。

Scene 5

A:I've heard you're a TV expert. Could you repair the TV for me?听说你是电视专家,能帮我修一下电视吗?

B:Far from it. But I can try.绝对谈不上专家,不过我可以试一下。

Scene 6

A:I've heard you're going to get married to Margaret.听说你要娶玛格丽特为妻?

B:Far from it. We're just good friends.绝无此事,我们只是朋友。
  • beating移动到这儿单词发声 n.敲;搅打;失败 六级词汇

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