
社交英文 ??搞定

美??擞懈鞣N各式的社交???arties)和送????howers),由下面的例子,可能也能???恍┟????娘L俗??T和??χ?馈?br />

(1)生日???t a birthday party):


Happy Birthday, Chichung!

(?中,祝你生日快?罚。?br />

I wish you a great day!

(祝你有???g?返娜兆樱。?br />


Thank you. How did you know it was my birthday today?

(??。你怎??缘媒裉焓俏业纳?眨浚?br />



It is a surprise party. We had our ways of finding out.


?:美??嘶I??arty,多在秘密中?行,使?事人吃?,故叫surprise party。此外?有?婚周年的anniversary、退休(retirement)、送?e(farewell)、?踢w?c祝(house-warming party)以及open-house等派?ΑF漯N?有:旅行?g送???on-voyage party),除夕??g???ew Year Eve party)、未婚男子?g聚???achelor's party)、16?q生日???weet-sixteen party)等。


It is so nice of you to do something like this. I am very touched.

(你????幼鎏?昧耍?液芨?印#?br />


Chichung, before you blow out the birthday candles, you have to make a wish. After that you may cut the cake.



Okay, I will. Do you want to have a big piece (of cake)?

(好的,你要吃大片的蛋糕?幔浚?br />


No, just a very small piece. I eat too much sweet stuff. My doctor has told me that I have to lose at least ten to fifteen pounds.



You look much younger than your age.


或 I think you are in good shape.


或You are thirty nine and holding; you are certainly not over the hill.




Let's all sing "Happy Birthday" to Chichung.



Thank you very much.


This little present is for you as a token of our love. We hope you can use it.


或Chichung, here is a gift from all of us. We hope you will like it.


Oh, how nice! You really didn't have to do this.



We wanted to.


?:老外朋友?,平?r很少送?,即使送,也不送厚?,多是送些小?物或一???卡,以表心意。?物要用包??(wrapping paper)包?,加??Щ?ribbon),?K附?卡。包??又分?多??,在不同?龊鲜褂茫?豢膳?e。


It's a pipe and a bag of potato-chips. How did you find out that I am a pipe-smoker and a potato-chip lover?

That's a beautiful pipe. I will enjoy it for a long time. Thanks to every one.


?:生日?物,一般都要??龃蜷_,不管?物好?拇笮。?家?硎鞠?鄄判小?otato-chip是指用white potato炸的薯片。?色的sweet potato,也叫yam,通常老外是?蔬菜吃的side-dish.

(2)?於送???about a shower):


Hi, Mayfong, do you know Miss Jones is going to get married next month? We plan to have a bridal shower at my home next Friday night at seven thirty. Would you be able to join us?

(嗨,美芳,你知道宗斯小姐下月?婚?幔课????下星期五晚上七?半在我家?行「?市履锒Y物??鼓隳?⒓?幔浚?br />


I would love to. What is a bridal shower all about?

(我很希望?⒓印J颤N是?市履锒Y物??浚?br />


It's a surprise party for the bride-to-be. Every one brings a gift for her. It's just like a "shower" with a lot of gifts.


?:shower本是?雨或淋浴的意思,??是指一?送????喟胧?榱?椭?笥?p少???_支的好意。husband-to-be是未?碚煞颍?ife-to-be是未?砥拮印?br />


What type of gift should I bring?



You may bring anything that the couple can use such as bath towel, can opener, etc.




That's a wonderful idea! May I bring my boyfriend with me?

(那是??好主意!我能??业哪信笥?幔浚?br />


No, a bridal shower just like a baby shower is at-tended by women only.

(不可以。?市履锒Y物??拖??憾Y物???樱?挥信??⒓印#?br />


Are we going to have a baby shower at the same time next Friday night?

(下星期五晚上,我??同?r也有??憾Y物??幔浚?br />


No, what I meant was later on if Miss Jones is expecting a baby, her close friends will get together to have a baby shower for the mother-to-be, bringing the presents for the future baby.



(3)在?婚招待??e(at a wedding reception):


Mr. and Mrs. Smith, my congratulations to both of you. I wish you both the best of luck.

(史密斯先生和夫人,恭喜你???晌唬?ёP疫快?贰#?br />

或Congratulations on your marriage. I wish you many years of happiness and good health.


?:wedding reception通常是指在教堂?行?婚?x式(wedding ceremony)後的招待??@贤饨Y婚宴??_支,多由女方??,而?婚戒指和蜜月旅行(honeymoon trip)的?用,?t由男方??。


Thank you, Mr. Chang. Please help yourself to some refreshments over there.



Okay, I will talk to you both a little later.


?:老外也有?人??龀修k婚宴(catering the food)。?⒓友???仨???r,且要注意?x表。男士要梳?、刮?、穿西?打??В??恳惨?稽c打扮,穿著洋?裙子,不可上花下花,也要小心衣??色的?配。


Have you ever attended an American wedding?



I don't think so. This is my first time.


?:?婚前,新娘的好友,?樗?e?一??只有女性?⒓拥?en party;而新郎好友,也?樗?e?一??只有男性?⒓拥?achelor party,彼此??一番。


Is that right? You will see some interesting things here. Later, the bride will first throw the bouquet to the group, and if a single woman catches it, she is supposed to get married next. Then the groom throws the garter to the crowd, and if a single man gets it, he is supposed to get married next.



?:groom=bridegroom,是新郎。男??相,不?已婚或未婚,都叫best man或best man;女??相,未婚的,叫maid of honor或bride of honor或brides-maid;已婚的,又叫matron of honor;女花童叫flower girl;男花童叫ring bearer


That's really interesting. What else then?



Then, the bride and groom will cut the first piece of cake and feed each other in front of the guests. Finally, before the reception is over, the newly-wed couple will open the presents and show the guests what they got. In case they don't have enough time, they will open the gifts after they arrive home.


(newly weds可?名?用,就是新婚夫?D。)

?:一般而言,?婚?物和???物,不?面打?。其他如生日?物,都在送?者面前打?。即使?物不喜?g,也要表?一副喜??的?幼樱?K向送?者致?。?後通常?寄???卡或?函(thank-you note)。


What should the guests do after the reception is over?



Sometimes the crowd will throw bird seeds at the couple while leaving the reception. Then the couple will drive away with empty cans tied to the back of their car which makes lots of noise.


?:撒bird seeds是代表吉祥。也有人撒rice,或小彩色?片,叫confetti。不?撒米,怕走路滑倒;撒?片,又嫌??y,所以?在多用bird seeds,可以??,不必清?摺S?r他??座?後面???著"just married",按著汽?喇叭,引人注意。


I really appreciate all you have told me. I have learned a great deal about Americans.


  • holding [´həuldiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保持,固定,存储 六级词汇
  • bridal [´braidl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.&n.婚礼(的) 四级词汇
  • bouquet [bu:´kei] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.花束;恭维话 四级词汇
  • garter [´gɑ:tə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.吊袜带 六级词汇