
A: Tom, I want to ask you something. 汤姆,我想跟你说点事。

  B: Say what you want to say. 说吧。

  A: You see. The wage is not paid yet, I have a big family to raise. 你看,工资还没有发,而我必须养活一大家子人。

  B: Yes. What else? 是的,你想说什么?

  A: Last night, my son warned me that if I did not buy a toy car for him, he would no longer call me dad. 昨晚我儿子警告我,如果我不给他买一个玩具汽车,他今后就不再叫我爸爸了。

  B: Stop beating about the bush. Say what you really want! 别兜圈子啦!你到底想要说什么?

  A: I am wondering if you could possibly lend me some money. 我想知道,你是否能借我一点钱?

  B: I am sorry. But I do not have any money to lend to you. 抱歉,我没钱借你。
  • beating [´bi:tiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.敲;搅打;失败 六级词汇