
Making an Offer


Situation 情境描述

David is visiting the booth of H&T at the exhibition. Joanna, the company's marketing manager, talks with him and gives him a quote.


Dialogue 对话

David: This looks nice, but I've seen quite a few similar games here at the show.

Joanna: But ours is the only game that is fully compatible with the latest hardware.

David: Is that so? So how much are you asking?

Joanna: If you can give me an idea of the quantity, I can quote you a more accurate price.

David: Let's say three thousand pieces.

Joanna: OK. On an order of three thousand, I can offer you a price of ten dollars per game.

David: I'm afraid that price is beyond my budget. Is that the best price you can do for me?

Joanna: This is a very popular item, and we'll have to upgrade before our competitors catch up with the technology in this version.

David: I'd still like to see something a little cheaper.

Joanna: If you could increase the quantity to five thousand, we could do eight-fifty per piece.

David: That sounds more like what I had in mind, but I'll have to check with my office first. Then I'll confirm it with you later today.

大卫: 这个看起来不错,但我在会场上已经看到很多类似的游戏了。

乔安娜: 但我们的是唯一能完全兼容最新硬件的游戏。

大卫: 是吗?那么你们要价多少?

乔安娜: 如果您能告诉我一个大概的数量,我就能给您更精确的报价。

大卫: 那就3000套吧。

乔安娜: 好的。如果订购3000套的话,那么每套游戏的价格我可以给您算10美元。

大卫: 恐怕那个价格超过了我的预算。那是你能给我的最优惠的价格吗?

乔安娜: 这是一款非常受欢迎的产品,而且我们肯定会赶在竞争对手掌握了这个版本的技术之前先行对它进行升级的。

大卫: 我还是想看看更便宜一点儿的东西。

乔安娜: 如果您可以把数量提高到5000套的话,我们就可以按每套8.5美元来算。

大卫: 那个听起来倒跟我原本想的差不多,不过我还是得先跟公司确定一下。随后在今天晚些时候,我会跟你再确认一下。


在商场上,讨价还价是一项必备的技巧,方法有很多,其中一种就是增加采购数量以求厂商降低售价,亦即一般所说的数量折扣(quantity discount)。下面列出一些相关词汇和短语:

quantity 数量


quote 报价

bid for 出价;投标

tender 投标

proposal 建议;提案

negotiation 谈判;协商


commission 回扣

pricing 定价


1. give (someone) a quote 向(某人)报价

"quote"在商业用语中指"报价",如"quote me your lowest price"表示"把你们的最低价格报给我"。"quote"亦可当名词,本文中,"give him a quote"就是这一用法。

Could you give me a quote on how much ten units would cost?


2. fully compatible with 与......完全相容


Make sure the software is fully compatible with this operating system.


3. let's say 那就......吧


Let's say we meet around three o'clock. Is that OK with you?


4. best price 最优惠的价格


Kelly went comparison shopping for CD players to get the best price.
