

Music and Health

Music also has unending benefits on our health. It has been proven that music reduces blood pressure. Scientists are currently testing the effects of playing music games with dyslexics, and how it may improve their reading ability. Music is used to calm Alzheimer's patients and others with age-related diseases in hospitals and nursing homes, helping to reduce and control conflicts.

Music is commonly used as a form of therapy. According to the American Music Therapy Association, founded in 1998 as a merger between the National Association for Music Therapy and the American Association for Music Therapy, music therapy can be defined as, "the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program." (AMTA Website) This is commonly used to treat everything from physical disabilities to chronic pain to brain injuries. Even healthy people can be benefited through stress reduction or the use of music to aid in childbirth. Nature and other environment sounds can also be therapeutic. Think of how relaxing the sounds of a bubbling stream, crickets chirping, or ocean waves can be. Music Therapy is considered to be one of the "expressive therapies;" others include art, dance, drama, play, writing, and humor therapy.

Although the use of music to benefit health dates back to the days of Aristotle, modern music therapy began shortly after World War II. Hospitals were hiring musicians to play for the hospitalized veterans after seeing the good affect it had on those suffering from war-related mental and emotional problems. Eventually colleges began to implement programs, and Michigan State University began the world's first music therapy program in 1944.

There are many specific reasons why music therapy works. Music with a strong beat can actually cause brainwaves to "resonate in sync with the beat, with faster beats bringing sharper concentration and more alert thinking, and a slower tempo promoting a calm, meditative state." (Scott) This can be good for you even after you stop listening, because it helps the brain in changing brainwave speed by itself later.

Researchers at the University of Toronto are developing "brain wave music" ("Brain Wave Music"), a type of music therapy that involves creating music that imitates the patterns formed by individual brain waves. The people they test the music on are given their own CD, with music made for their specific brain waves. They're hoping that this new approach may help relieve chronic insomnia, anxiety, or depression, even without the additional aid (and risk of dependency) of medication. Could you imagine going to the doctors to get a "prescription CD?"

In addition to causing positive changes in heart and breathing rates, bringing relaxation, and combating stress problems, music also brings a "positive state of mind, helping to keep depression and anxiety at bay." (Scott)



音乐被普遍应用于治疗的一种形式,美国音乐治疗协会成立于1998年,它将国际音乐治疗协会同美国音乐治疗协会合并为一体,音乐治疗能被定义为 "临床的和以证据为基础的音乐治疗由已经完成过音乐治疗方案的专业人员来完成个性化目标(MATA Website) 这项被普遍用于那些大脑受伤或慢性疼痛引起的身体上不能自理的病人,甚至身体健康的人通过减小压力受益或者用于孩子的催生,自然和环境的一些声音也能用与治疗学,想起山泉的流水声是多么令人放松,板球的声音,海洋里的浪涛声,音乐治疗被认为是"充满感情和表情的治疗"其他还包括艺术,舞蹈,鼓声,玩,写和幽默治疗.


有很多独特理由能说明为什么音乐疗法如此神奇,音乐有着强烈的冲击力,事实上能引起大脑的"灵机妙想",使其与声音共振,快节奏声音能集中注意力和激发更灵活的思维,慢节奏能使人冷静,并进入沉思状态(Scott)当你停止听音乐后对你仍会有诸多好处,因为它可以帮助开发大脑想像力,多伦多大学的研究人员研究了一种"灵机妙想音乐"(灵机妙想音乐),它是一种音乐疗法,涉及创作音乐,模仿的具有独特模式的音乐,那些想尝试这种特殊疗法的人都找到了适合自己的音乐并灌制CD片,用音乐来启动他们的思维,他们希望用这种新的方法能减轻或缓解长期的沮丧,消沉. 甚至没有其他的医疗帮助(和依赖的风险)你是否想像去医院得到一张"指定的CD片"


Music and Physical Activity

Mark Tramo, a neuroscientist at Harvard Medical School, commented on a study which "showed that the heart muscle of people exercising on treadmills didn't work as hard when people listened to music as it did when they exercised in silence." (qtd. in Cromie, "Music on the Brain") Researchers from Ohio State University studied patients with lung disease and found that those who listened to music "walked an average of 19 miles a week - four more miles than the control group who didn't listen to music while walking." (Bumgardner) Music affects us so much that it's being banned from sports-related activities.

Most high schools have banned listening to music while running in both track practices and meets. The body in charge of running in the US, USA Track & Field, has officially banned headphones and any kind of portable music player from all official races. One reason to justify this is the physical protection of the runners; while listening to music, they can't hear directions, and are less aware of the other runners around them. However, this is also meant to protect runners without an audio player from having an unfairdisadvantage. But isn't it fair enough for every participant to be allowed to run with an audio player? If everyone has the opportunity to give themselves an advantage through music, then it's not unfair simply because some don't bring an audio player. Not all should be punished.

With today's iPods and Zunes becoming progressively smaller, how can this rule be enforced? Many people ignore the new rules, including Richie Sais, a runner in California's Marine Corps Marathon. "'I dare them to find the iPod on me,' he said, adding that he had clipped his iPod shuffle, which is barely larger than a quarter, under his shirt." (qtd. in Macur)

More and more "regular" people are participating in these types of athletic activities. The more serious and professional runners may actually prefer to run without music, but those running for fun or smaller personal goals might be turned off by these music bans. I know when I was in high school I wouldn't have made it through summer gym without Sean Paul and Aero smith.


Mark.Tramo 美国哈佛大学一名神经系统科学家推荐出了一种研究"关于人们骑健步车练习的心理音乐,无论人们是否听到音乐都不需要很费力(qtd,音乐在脑海中)来自与美国俄亥俄州大学研究小组对肺病患者进行研究,发现那些听音乐散步的病人平均每星期散步19英里 ,比起那些受限制的病人多走4英里多,(Bumgarder)音乐给了我们如此大的影响,然而在体育运动方面,它却受到某些限制.


今天的ipods和 Zunes进步较小,这条制度怎样被实施?人们也许会忽略新规则,包括Rchic Sais,一名保加利亚的青年Marine Crops Marathon,"我用激将法告诉他们在我身上找出ipod"他说 他还补充说将他的ipod shuffle 戴在身上,只是一个比硬币大一点的东西,被在他的衬衣下边,(qtd.in Macar)

越来越多的正式队员正踊跃加如这一类体育活动,更多专业长跑运动员事实上更倾向于不听音乐去跑步,但那些少数将跑步作为一种娱乐的人也许被这一音乐禁令所限制.我知道在我上高校时,在夏令营俱乐部里我无法实现这一计划(没有sean paut和AcroSmith)


Music is invariably a crucial part of everyone's life, and has shaped the way we all live and develop as humans. If used in the right ways, it can help us learn, heal, or even make it through that last lap around the track. We still have so much to find out about the way our minds interpret music and how if effects us. Hopefully elementary and high schools will continue music programs, and post-secondary institutions will continue to research what else music can do for us.

  • chronic [´krɔnik] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.慢性的;剧烈的 六级词汇
  • eventually [i´ventʃuəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,终于 四级词汇
  • officially [ə´fiʃəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.以职员身份;正式 四级词汇
  • portable [´pɔ:təbəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.轻便的 n.手提打字机 六级词汇
  • unfair [ʌn´feə] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不公平的;不正直的 四级词汇
  • shuffle [´ʃʌf(ə)l] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.洗(牌) n.搅乱 四级词汇
  • hopefully [´həupfəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.抱着希望地 六级词汇
  • elementary [,eli´mentəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.基本的;初级的 四级词汇
