
Having a good marriage means having a marriage with good qualities. When these qualities are understood and exercised, a good marriage will be the outcome.

Having a good marriage means having a marriage with good qualities. There are five qualities that makes up a good marriage. When these qualities are understood and exercised, a good marriage will be the outcome. These five qualities include communication, effort, adaptability, commitment, and real partnership.


Good communication I think is the most important part of having a marriage. Marriage isn't going to be perfect, but if you are able to have good communication then you will be able to work your way through the rough times that comes your way. Most of the time when you have a bad marriage it is due to a lack of communication. To have good communication in your marriage you need to begin with being available to talk in the first place. Even if you can communicate, but you don't have time there is going to be a problem. Then you need to really listen to what the other person is saying. Lastly, you need to express your feelings as kindly as possible. If you are not kind, then you will only cause your partner to set up their defenses and then communication becomes pointless.


Putting a lot of time and energy into your marriage in order for your marriage to become what you want it to be. I read that marriage is the greatest investment you will ever make and I agree with it. With such an investment, you need to put the time into it. Think about restoring a car. You don't want to cut corners on the paint or on updates for the engine because your car will not be as valuable to you. Instead you are going to spend all the time necessary to make it as perfect as you can so it can be as valuable as possible. The same kind of energy or effort needs to be put in your marriage. If you cut corners in your marriage it is going to show.


Flexibility is important when it comes to marriage. When you are only worried about yourself, flexibility generally doesn't happen, but you have another person to think about and possible kids to be included in this as well. Flexibility gives you the ability to bend when something where to happen and keep your goal in mind. You might have to find a different way to get to it, but you will be able to get there anyways.


You need to be committed to the relationship and to your partner. If you are not committed or only committed when everything is good, the marriage isn't going to be good or last at that. You have to be able to commit to stand by your partner whether the times are good or the times are bad. I believe that committing to stay together through the bad, when you come out on the other side you will be stronger and your marriage will be stronger too.

Real Partnership

A real partnership contains two people. These two people have needs of their own. They need to be able to share the good and the bad. When it's bad, they need to be able to look at what they can do to fix it, instead of blaming the other. You need to do what makes both of you happy. Remember that a real partnership needs two team players doing what is necessary, including putting the team first, in order to make the team work.

Having these five qualities in your marriage will help both of you succeed through the bad times and the good times. These qualities will help your marriage grow stronger and be a great marriage. Remember it's not the road your traveling, but what you do together about the road.
  • outcome [´autkʌm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.结果;后果;成果 四级词汇
  • lastly [´lɑ:stli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.最后,终于 四级词汇