
Some supermarket salads contain more fat and calories than a Big Mac and fries. Those hoping to enjoy a summer salad as part of a healthy diet could be in for a shock.


Many on sale at leading stores are more unhealthy than a diet of fast food and chocolate, research by Which? found.


The consumer group says its findings emphasise the need for clearer nutrition labelling on food packaging.


While a Big Mac will provide you with 490 calories and 24g of fat, the Smedleys Atlantic prawn marie rose salad contains 855 calories and 66.3g of fat. Asda's chicken caesar pasta salad has 683 calories, while the fat content is 41.3g. That is almost as much fat as seven Cadbury's Creme Eggs.


Mayonnaise or creamy sauces were often the reason many of the salads were so unhealthy.


Around 80 per cent of mayonnaise is fat, while a tablespoon of it contains around 12g of fat and 110 calories.


The label specified that it had no mayonnaise but the ingredients list revealed that it contained egg yolk, oil and white wine vinegar--which are all used to make mayonnaise.


It difficult for consumers easily to see whether a product is high in fat, calories, sugar or salt. Which? editor Martyn Hocking said: "We found that there were large differences between the amount of fat, salt and calories in pre-packaged salads."


Which? has also advised consumers to be wary of the same type of salad from different shops, with fat and calorie contents varying widely.

  • nutrition [nju:´triʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.营养(物);食物 六级词汇
  • creamy [´kri:mi] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.含奶油的;米色的 六级词汇
  • mayonnaise [,meiə´neiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.蛋黄酱 六级词汇
  • calorie [´kæləri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.卡(热量单位) 六级词汇