
The Climate

When I tell people from more temperate climates that I live in Chicago, without fail they ask me how I handle the winters. In reality, the winters here are no worse than in other northern cities, but it still isn't exactly prime tourist season. The ideal time to visit is summer or fall. Summer offers a nonstop selection of special events and outdoor activities, but you'll also be dealing with the biggest crowds and periods of hot, muggy weather. Autumn days are generally sunny, and the crowds at major tourist attractions grow thinner -- you don't have to worry about snow until late November at the earliest. Spring is extremely unpredictable, with dramatic fluctuations of cold and warm weather, and usually lots of rain. If your top priority is indoor cultural sights, winter's not such a bad time to visit: no lines at museums, the cheapest rates at hotels, and the pride that comes in slogging through the slush with the natives (after all, we don't hibernate at the first sign of snow).

Chicagoans like to joke that if you don't like the weather, just wait an hour -- it will change. (In spring and autumn, I've been known to use my car's heat in the morning and the air-conditioning in the afternoon.) The key is to be prepared for a wide range of weather with clothing that can take you from a sunny morning to a chilly, drizzly evening. As close to your departure as possible, check the local weather forecast at the websites of the Chicago Tribune newspaper (www.chicagotribune.com) or the Weather Channel (www.weather.com).

Major Convention Dates

Listed below are Chicago's major (30,000 visitors or more) conventions for 2006, with projected attendance figures. Plan ahead, because hotel rooms and restaurant reservations can be hard to come by when the big shows are in town -- and even if you snag a room, you'll be paying top price. Contact the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau (tel. 877/CHICAGO or 877/244-2246; www.choosechicago.com) to double-check the latest info before you commit to your travel dates, because convention schedules can change.

Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigerating Expo-- Jan 23-25; 60,000

International Home and Housewares Show-- Mar 12-15; 60,000

Kitchen/Bath Industry Show-- Apr 21-23; 60,000

National Restaurant Association Show-- May 20-23; 75,000

International Plastics Showcase-- June 19-23; 85,000

Neo-Con -- World's Trade Fair-- June 12-14; 40,000

International Manufacturing Technology Show-- Sept 6-13; 65,000

Graph Expo & Converting Expo-- Sept 15-18; 40,000

Pack Expo International-- Oct 29-Nov 2; 68,000

American Heart Association-- Nov 12-15; 45,000

Radiological Society of North America-- Nov 26-Dec 1; 60,000
  • chicago [ʃi´kɑ:gəu] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.芝加哥 四级词汇
  • forecast [´fɔ:kɑ:st] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.&n.预测;预报 六级词汇
  • tribune [´tribju:n] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.<<论坛报>> 六级词汇