
Here is a word for you: inertia.

It means the state that something is in without outside

We think of inert as meaning without movement, but a
brick, for example, can be just as inert sitting on
your window sill as it would be travelling through
space at 10,000 miles per second.

Inert simply means that unless something changes around
it, it will continue to stay in the same state.

What has that got to do with action points and personal

For many of us, inertia becomes our natural state. We
get ourselves locked in a groove like a needle on an
old record and although our minds keep telling us to
change course, there is no outside influence acting
upon us.

So we continue to do nothing, or carry on doing the
wrong things, getting more and more frustrated at our
own inertia, but being quite unable to do anything
about it on our own.

Many people find that being laid off work, while
traumatic in the extreme when it happens, provides them
with the outside influence that they needed. Their live
make a massive turn around and many say that in
retrospect it was the best thing that ever happened to

I am NOT advocating quitting of being laid of your job
as an ideal solution to your inertia. Far from it. That
is like our brick hurtling through space changing
course by suddenly being hit be a meteor.

Instead, what I AM about to suggest is that you start
to think about creating your own minor discomforts that
will slowly nudge your trajectory. Small pressures soon
mount up to exert quite a considerable force.

Rather than wait for the world to radically change
around you, start to think 'what ifs'. What if you ARE
laid off in year? What should you be doing NOW to make
that transition easier. What plans can you put into
action NOW?

What if you could build a private income that was more
than you make at work? What would you have to do NOW to
start that process?

Your 'what ifs' are the nudges that you need to break
your inertia.

As someone once said, 'Keep doing what you've always
done and you'll keep getting what you've always got.'

Well, I'm here to tell you that you don't need to keep
getting what you've always got. There is a whole lot
more out there that you can get. Nudge.

What if I'm right?
  • groove [gru:v] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.槽 vt.在...作槽 四级词汇
  • transition [træn´ziʃən, -´si-] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.转变;过渡 四级词汇