
You always rejected my phone calls whenever you were not in the city. You sent me messages to communicate with me, which I believed would take us more time. I'm the kind of person who's willing to pay for avoiding troublesome stuff. Obviously, you are not like me.

You think I am not the perfect guy for you, so you quickly withdrew from being my woman. And since your best friend suggested you to end our relationship, your hesitation was finally terminated.

Your single side actions have destroyed my pride! I felt I was like a baby duck in the box, waiting for someone to pick me up and give me a brand new life. You came to me, put me on your hands softly, and you looked at me with the emotion I thought should be love or something. And you said "No, not this one" to my owner. If a duck could cry, I would cry for it. Lucky I am an intelligent man, not a baby duck, so I have my dignity not to cry in face of anybody.

I was wondering since when I became your burden. You said my love made you feel uneasy, and I was pushing you too hard. You said you were too busy to consider the recovery of our relationship. I know you are busy. You work more than 11 hours a day and you always go on business trips. You are even more busier on weekends, cause you have too many friends to entertain, to have fun with. There's absolutely no room for me to squeeze in. I know I am disappearing from your world. If this is the fact, I will accept it!

Honey, please allow me to call you "honey" for the last time, there is something not right between us. I thought I would not cease our relationship until I figure out the true reasons behind your decision. And now I don't find it necessary for me to do that! Letting the woman you love go is also what a good man should do sometimes, especially when you have no choice!

I know I still love you, and I also know I have never loved someone this much in my entire life before. That the reason why I feel so painful! This is definitely not the life I wanna have, so I am leaving you behind!

Farewell, my love! I'm leaving. I'm leaving from your world. Danny finally has the guts to say "Good-bye" to you. You know what though? If you need me, you know I won't be far away!