
The One night stand thing

I know this kind of stuff is now fashionable in China. Some people just like to have the pleasant sensation given by the one night stand stuff. I've never had it before, nor have I tried any hooker in any place of this planet! But one night I decided to take a try!

Together with Hans Dueze, Managing Director of an African company, I went to the Irish Bar, where you could see many domestic and foreign girls hanging around. Actually I was not there for sex, but to prove that I still have the attraction. Before we entered the door, Hans asked if 500 Yuan cash and a MasterCard were enough for the drinks inside. I gave him a big smile: You kidding? Unless you wanna look for a hooker there!

We found the seats next to the counter, so that we could see the entire room clearly. It was crowed. There were about 8-9 Chinese girls sitting behind us. I was a bit surprised because every one of them was drinking beer! They talked loudly, behaved wildly and they had already taken many cups of draft beer. I took a glance at them and other people in the big room. It was rather disappointing, cause none of them was good looking. It's fine, Danny. You're not here to choose the Miss World, I said to myself. And my sixth sense told me I might not be a hunter, but a prey tonight.

Frankly speaking, I never appreciate the taste of the draft beer. Once I was told that people from small restaurants used to put some washing powder inside beer in order to create more foams. Jesus, that's really disgusting! I cried out when I heard it! Ever since then, I would use the draft beer cup to contain beer. And that's it! I took 5 cups at that night! Hans took six!

At about 12 o'clock, I noticed a girl, who used to sit behind me, moved to the counter next to Hans. And she kept looking at me! She was not beautiful, but she had fair face and sexy body! She's hot enough to attract a drunken man like me! Hans winked to me, hinting that he also noticed her.

Without even knowing when she joined us, we started to talk rubbish. I was surprised she spoke very good English. Soon I realized that she was only there to kill her loneness (her man was out of the city for business), not necessarily by having sex with someone! She's talkative, quick speaking and she's not hiding her thoughts deep inside. However, when Hans was out to pee, she hinted me that she had all along with her man and she wanted to try something new and exciting! I was like: What??? What's new and exciting? Having sex with a stranger at home or in a hotel? I asked myself, trying to give me the right guess!

I was trying to decide whether to move on or back off when Hans returned and suggested me to go out with her. I hesitated for a while, and then I said no! It's been many months I had no sex with anyone, but I would rather save it than just having sex with someone I don't know! I am, after all, not an animal! Instinctive desires can be controlled by my mind!

When I drove her home, she asked me if I wanted to go upstairs to have a cup of coffee. No, it's too late. I gotta go home to prepare some document for tomorrow's early meeting, I lied to her! She then said thanks to me and got out of my car. And she stopped, turned back to me, said: Danny, you are a nice guy. You wanna give me your phone number? I grinned and said: Maybe next time! Really nice meeting you! Good night!

After I got home, I lay in bed and started thinking the things happened at the night. What if I had sex with her? Will both of us considered bad or betrayers by people? Will she feel guilty for her boyfriend/ husband?...

Anyway, I think I did the right thing at the night! I won't regret!
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • rubbish [´rʌbiʃ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.垃圾;碎屑;废话 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • instinctive [in´stiŋktiv] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.本能的,天性的 六级词汇
  • upstairs [,ʌp´steəz] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.在楼上 a.楼上的 四级词汇