
Foreign companies in a real sense

More and more people focus on finding positions in a foreign company where high salary and brilliant future can be provided.

Here comes a question? What kind of companies can be regarded as real foreign companies. From my point of view, there are two categories: Chinese style and foreign style.

I ever worked in an Australian company where the big fish in China is an Australian Chinese. He almost takes everything in his hands. The way he manages the whole company is just like a king of a holy land. No democracy at all! One of my friends also works in a company where the big boss is American Chinese. He is really bad to his employees even spit out bad words.
Such foreign Chinese have something in common: they have a big background of family in China. They earn an amount of money while they are abroad and want to earn more after coming back to China. The only effective way for them to get richer rapidly is to create a company on behalf of foreign investors in China which they will enjoy many preferential policies. Normally, they don't have a long career plan for the whole company. They just want to get as much as possible money in a very short time.

I'm not complaining. I just want to tell those who are willing to work in foreign companies the truth. You have to investigate on the foreign company you are interested in before you start to work there. I get such a feeling only from those two bosses who are coincidentally similar. It's only my own view point. You can express yours if you like.
  • normally [´nɔ:məli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.正常情况下;通常 六级词汇