
上了两天的课,真象关禁闭.不过那老师也满累的. 几乎整整站了两天,还神采奕奕地讲课.佩服. 没时间摸电脑.昨晚的麦莎把线路刮断了,房间里漆黑一片.幸好找到了一只蜡烛,已经被压得变形了。凑合着还能用。烛光下,写完了这篇文章.在蜡烛还有四分之一要烧完的时候,来电了。打到电脑上,今天晚上下课后回家修改了一下。发上来了。打两个问号的地方是我不敢肯定写的对不对的地方,有知道的告诉我一声,谢谢。

If you can read Chinese ,it is not difficult to find the Chinese character 忍 has sth .to do with pain or suffering , "a sharp knife on?? a heart ."

In Chinese culture ,there is a saying , "Tolerance is a kind of virtue ." However, the opposite side may voice different opinions immediately ," Tolerance is the virtue of standing for nothing . " Personally , both go to the extreme . As to the virtue of tolerance , I partly agree with it .When it is more than one could bear ,why not fight back ? Over forebearance will lead to nothing but an act of connivance and will invite more serious attacks.So when you have been driven into a corner and have lost your basic dignity as a human being ,what is more important than defending yourself and what other choices can you make but to defend yourself ? So ,forget about those damned virtues for a minute !

However ,I do believe in many cases ,if one chose to keep cool ,he would avoid a possible quarrel ,a fight or even a case of homicide . A broad ?minded person is more likely to find a way out of his dilemma in the end .A good eg .is 勾践 in Yue kingdom who endured hardships for ten years to plan retaliation and finally defeated 夫差 in Wu kingdom . Therefore ,to bear it or not ,it depends .

Today ,I 'll tell you a personal experience of a tour guide .

A small passenger plane with a tour on it ,flying from kunming to Xishuangbanna, is taking off .After all the tourists boarded the plane and took their seats ,the tour guide made his way to his seat too . " A small plane " , a tourist said to himself when he passed by .But he pretended to hear nothing about it ,sat down and reposed with his eyes closed .It is a common sense not to be allowed to stand while the plane is in the air .So the tour guide needn't make any commentaries during the 1.5 hour journey before it reaches the destination .

It should have been a smooth voyage if there had not been that accident .

As I have told you ,it is a small passenger plane . Generally speaking , it can not make an altitude flying over 10,000 meters for the sake of safety .
The tourists ,a little tired ,took a nap in the armchairs ??.
Suddenly the plane bounced up and down ,which woke up everyone and a male voice rose in pitch from a corner : " What a poor plane ! "This time the remark was obviously directed at the guide .

Still ,he kept silent ,turning a deaf ear to it .But two women behind him ,who seemed to be encouraged by the man's words ,took up the thread and chimed in with him?? , "Yeah ,you can say it ... again . xiao wang , how can we... enjoy our journey on such a... Ouch !.. poor plane ?"

This time ,he can't keep silent any more .With a smile freshly pressed ,he turned about and answered in a voice as soft as possible , "Lady ,take it easy .Just a turbulance .It is quite often to come across the bumps in the air during the journey . I guess it is the storm . We'll soon be ok ." Actually ,he was a little annoyed at the blame . "It is the travel agency that should take the responsibility ,not me !"he thought . He was almost going to say , "Stay where you are and shut up or jump off ! "But could he ?

Unfortunately ,his words that they would soon be ok didn't come true .To make things worse ,the bump got more and more violent . The stewardess appeared , " All passenengers , Attention please .Now we are sailing through a strong turbulance .Everybody please fasten your seatbelt ,and hold your heads with hands . .." Before the stewardess finished her words ,the crowd was in a panic at once . Screams everywhere . Someone took out a piece of paper and a pen ...

A few minutes later .
They survived .
The moment the plane landed ,everybody was relieved . Someone said , " It can't be greater to have feet on the ground again ..."

A breathtaking story ,isn't it ? Also a true story . I don't know if I will have such an experience later .
Double flights travel ,980 yuan in all . Think about it . It is worth to take such a poor plane ,maybe  .

In the emergency , the tour guide didn't inflame the tourists's anger by losing his temper , otherwise nobody knows what will happen . Instead ,he chose to endure their complaints at first , which is an important quality that one ,following the trade of social services, has to bear .

One's inner power, strength and well being needs cultivating . But the true spirit of endurance is not to accept the trouble or tribulation itself passively, but to take things as they come and then try to find a better solution . Then you may weather through it by allowing yourself a wide margin. In the story ,it was quite natural for the tourists to vent on the guide by travelling on such a poor plane and it is quite right for the tour guide to be tolerant with the complaints . But I think he could have given them a reply in a more smart and humourous way instead of burying his head in the sand . Anyway , he behaved well all the way and they shouldn't complain much . One hand can't clap .

He conquered himself --- the biggest enemy in the world .
He was invincible .
  • minded [´maindid] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.有...心的 六级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • freshly [´freʃli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.新近,刚才 四级词汇
  • inflame [in´fleim] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.(使)发炎;恼火 四级词汇
  • tolerant [´tɔlərənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.宽容的,宽大的 六级词汇