
Decision maker is the one who makes decisions. In another word, decision makers can be bosses of private enterprises, managing directors of the share holding companies, majors and vice majors of a city, or whoever has the power to decide on either trivial or big affairs.
When I was still a salesman, my trainee told me never waste too much time talking to those non decision makers, such as receptionists, secretaries or administrators, because after all, they couldn't make any decisions. They could be very pretty and attractive to me, though! I was told to find the MAN, the person who has money, authority and needs. Despite of those managers of branch offices of big world-wide companies, almost every company has such a person who can make decisions. Those branch office managers do have some power to make certain decisions, though!
As a salesman, no matter what kind of products you sell, you should at least know how to deal with those decision makers. Sometimes it is hard for a new salesman to find out who can make decisions in a company, because a boss will probably leave some authorities to his departmental managers. Make sure you don't offend them; cause otherwise, you won't even know how you have lost the deal.
I have a successful example of finding the real decision maker. It was in July 2000. I was cold-calling an area called Ah Mok Kio industry park 2, Singapore. It was damn hot, and I was hungry, thirsty and exhausted. Just happened to see a company not far from me, I decided to make the last visit of my work on the day. I approached an admin girl, who was quite polite to me. She offered me a cup of coffee and started talking with me. She said she was the one who was in charge of office equipment. And she added that her younger brother was a salesman too. She told me she could tell that I was different, cause it looked as if I was there for not only deals but friendships. She liked to deal with person like me.
Since her boss was not in the office, I sat in the sofa, talking to her with Danny-styled smile and patience. I shared with her quite a lot of the interesting things in China and my ideas of making an office more efficient and productive, of course. She was quite interested and she even took out a notebook, taking down some key points I mentioned to her. We'd talked for about 20 minutes, and then she proposed us taking a smoke outside of the office. I said: Why not? After a deep breathe, she said: Why don't you send to me a proposal and let your machine be trailed by us for a week? From my professional instinct, I could tell she was, at least one of the decision makers in that company. Then I did my proposal and sent my machine to her office, and focused more on the cost saving factor. She was convinced and she signed the agreement in the end. Not until one month later, did I know she is the daughter of the boss in that company.
The interesting and challenging part for a salesman is that 20 minutes' conversation could bring to him a deal, not matter how big the amount of the deal is. I am no more a salesman, so I hardly enjoy the 20 minutes nowadays. In most of the people's eyes, 20 minutes is nothing but taking two cigarettes, driving or riding to work, having a bottle of beer/ a cup of tea, or a family dinner. I see sales people use that limited 20 minutes earning big money in the streets, while the others are complaining they earn too little and their life are too boring. That's one of the reasons I always respect salesmen.
You think I'm talking about finding decision makers here? You're partly right. In fact, you and everyone else who reads my essay here are the decision makers. Be your own decision maker, and make your life a better one. What're you waiting for? Go for it!
  • holding [´həuldiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.保持,固定,存储 六级词汇
  • trivial [´triviəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.琐碎的;不重要的 四级词汇
  • notebook [´nəutbuk] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.笔记本 四级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇