
作者:落凡的精灵 English by yummyenglish

Where shall I begin? After reading other people's story, I also want to tell you mine. The story starts out about my mom. My family told me she was born with two teeth. Old people all said it was bad luck, and had them taken out. From then on, she was often sick. My mom went to see doctors, but they couldn't find out the problem. Taking others' advice, my grandma asked a woman to be my mom's stepmother until she was 16.

My parents had me soon after they got married. My mom said I didn't cry for a while after I was born. Doctors and nurses thought I was a dumb. When I was little, my family lived in a neighborhood of state-owned enterprise employees. I didn't exactly recall seeing anything strange in the city, but later...

It was the Chinese New Year in 1992. Grandma's family moved to the first floor of an old building. On the first day of the festival, my parents and I went to her home and stayed over. I had a bad cough that time and had trouble sleeping at night. For this reason I saw something I wasn't supposed to for the first time in my life. My grandma's place was an old two-bedroom apartment. Through the door, two families shared one apartment but with separate kitchen and bathroom. There was another door leading to the bedrooms. So we had to pass it to use the bathroom. To make it easy, I put a spitoon in my room. That night, I coughed like cazy. My parents shared bed with me and they were fast asleep. But I was still tossing and turning. Hearing the striking of the clock on the wall, I knew it was already one past midnight. Right that minute, I distinctively heard someone tapping on the window. The knocking was very gentle. I didn't know what is was and dared not to check outside.
I told my parents about this the next day. They said it might be a prank and I believed so. Two days later, my parents went back for work. I stayed with my brother to play. That night, I slept in the inner room with grandma and my brother. The clock striked one o'clock again. All of a sudden, I heard a knocking on the window glass. My grandma gave a shout "what do you think you are doing? It's midnight!" I realized she was also awake. It became still again outside. I took a look at the window and saw something dark passing swiftly by. It was blur cause I was not wearing the glasses.

In deeper midnight, I woke up to pee. I was standing half-asleep, facing the bigger room in the direction of TV. Gradpa's bed was there. Suddenly I saw something was blocking the TV. My mind was still pretty unclear. Putting on the glasses, I took a look. It was a person in black with a back hat. His head titled to the left. Because of the green light of the street lamps, he got a greenish glow around him. He was right in front of the TV, beside grandpa's bed. Still confused, I was standing there, staring at him. Now matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get a clear sight of his face. In about 10 minutes, I shivered and sobered up. Out of fear, I gave out a yelling and turned on the light. In a blink of an eye, he vanished. The whole family was aroused. Badly shaken up, I told them what I saw. They didn't say much. But on the next day, they asked an old man to "fixed it". Later I knew the male owner of the room died many years ago. His head titled to the left just as the man I saw. And less in three month after this incidence, my grandpa passed away. He didn't die of sickness. However, before he was gone, he talked funny at night every day!
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • stepmother [´step,mʌðə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.继母,后母 六级词汇
  • bathroom [´bɑ:θrum, -ru:m] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.浴室;盥洗室 四级词汇
  • greenish [´gri:niʃ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.带绿色的 六级词汇
  • grandpa [´grænpɑ:] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.爷爷;外公 四级词汇