
Should I still call you "honey"? Before I want to start this final conversation with you tonight, I hope to make it clear if you're still my beloved wife. At least I can't tell from your face now. And I wonder if you still love me...

It's the fourth time within two weeks that you were outside with your colleagues or friends at night. It's the fourth time that you came back home after 12pm. And I can't remember for how many times you left me alone at home, waiting for you, with disappointment and anger.

Now I wanna talk. Because I want you to know I am your husband, the one who is supposed to worry about you when you are somewhere outside at night; the one who should go anywhere to pick you up at night. I love you! And I'm taking full responsibility for our family. Aren't you supposed to support me for this?

I've never blamed you for going out with your customers for business issues. I just want to tell you that sometimes it is not necessary for you to have fun with your colleagues until 2 or 3am in the morning. Won't you be tired if you keep singing in a Karaoke place for more than 6 hours? What are you doing this for? Since you work with them, see them 10 hours a day, will it still make sense that you go out with them at nights?

I know you are stressed from work. You could hardly achieve your quota this month. But is it a big deal? Things happen. Just accept them. Being a salesman is like this: no matter how much you have achieved this month, you will still need to start from zero the next month. That's one of the reasons I quit being a salesman several years ago. I'm sick on that! A smart salesman will always know how to overcome the difficulties and how to motivate himself. You should know well about that cause you have been in this line for more than 10 years!

I have to tell you that you have gone a little bit too far. I'm not taking this any more! I'm talking to you today because I love you. Don't ever do this to me again! Be a good wife to me, all right? Ok, get the stuff ready on bed and let's go to sleep. Gotto work tomorrow....