
I am new here, but like to be one of you.
I would like to introduce all of you Beijing city and some scenic spots of it in easy English by tiding up my work in this year.
hopfully it would be useful and enjoyable for you.

Today I am going to introduce you Tiananmen. Let me make a brief introduction about it first. Tiananmen is located in the center of Beijing on the north-south axis. In English it means the Gate of Heavenly Peace. As the main gate of the imperial palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was first build in 1417 and rebuilt in 1651. At that time many important state ceremonies took place here. The most famous one was "Imperial Edict Issued by Golden Phoenix". Whenever the emperor made a new edict, on the rostrum it would be proclaimed to the officials kneeling below. Then it was put in a gilded phoenix-shaped wooden box and lowered down to them. After it was copied, the edict would be made known to the public in the whole country.
Tiaanmen includes not only Tiananmen Gate and Rostrum, but also Tiananmen Square, and the buildings in and around the square. Tiananmen Square is the largest city center square in the world. It is 880 meters from north to south, and 500 meters from east to west, covering an area of 44 hectares. As many as one million people can gather here at one time. It has witnessed many important events of China, such as the May 4th Movement, the ceremony of the founding of the People's Republic of China, National Day military parades and so on. It begins from Zhengyangmen Gate Tower (or Front Gate) in the south, the Great Hall of the People in the west, the Museum of Chinese History and Museum of Chinese Revolution in the east. Inside the square there are the Monument to the People's Heroes in the center, Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall in the south, and a flagpole in the north.
At the south end of the square is a tower called Front Gate. It was only used by the emperors twice a year when they went to pray at the Temple of Heaven in the Ming and Qing dynasties. We're going along the south to north axis. The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall was built on the site of Zhonghuamen in 1977 in memory of this great leader. In the front lobby you can see the marble statue of Chairman Mao on a platform. In the main hall there is a crystal coffin. Chairman Mao's body lies in it, covered with the Chinese Communist Party's flag. On the wall of southern lobby, you can find Chairman Mao's poem and his unique handwriting. As you know he was a very talented poet. In the middel of the square is the Monument to the people's heroes. The monument was built in memory of thousands of martyrs who died in Chinese revolution. It is 38 meters high, and made of over seventeen thousand pieces of granite and white marble stones. On the front side of the monument is an inscription: Eternal Glory to the People's Heroes. That was written by Chairman Mao. At the base of the monument are 8 marble reliefs, picturing the Chinese history since 1840. North of the Tiananmen square stands the national flag pole. Every morning, when the sun is about to rise, a specially trained battalion marches out of Tiananmen Gate to the square, and raises the flag exactly at sunrise. Thousands of people from home and abroad gather around the flagpole and watch this grand ceremony. On the west side of Tiananmen Square, there is the Great Hall of the People. It's the largest congressional building in the world. The hall consists of 4 parts: a 10,000-seat meeting hall in the center, a 5,000-seat banquet hall on the north. The offices of the standing Committee of the National People's Congress is on the south. And there are 34 reception rooms with different local features, which are named after each province and region in China. On the east side of the square is National Museum of China. The museum of Chinese History houses an exhibition of the whole Chinese history before 1919. The Museum of Chinese Revolution covers the period from 1919 to 1949.
Let's walk through the underground passage and get to the other side of Chang'an Avenue. Changan means eternal peace. Out of the passage, the Outer Golden Water River lies in front of us. 7 beautiful marble bridges span over it. The middle one was for the emperor only, so it was called imperial bridge. The two bridges on each side were used by royal family members. The next two farther out were for the officials above the third rank. Another two were for other people. The Tiananmen Gate just at the front. It is guarded by a pair of stone lions and a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. The beasts sitting on the top are named Hou. According to the legend, it is one of the 9 sons of the dragon. This two are facing south, which are called "Wangjungui". In English it means expecting the emperor's coming back. Another pair of Huabiao is behind the Tiananmen Gate, facing north toward the forbidden city. If the emporer spent too much time inside the palace, they would mind him to go out for inspection. So that two are named "Wangjunchu", which means expecting the emperor's going out. Tiananmen Gate is the symbol of the new China. The national emblem is a pattern of Tiananmen Rostrum encircled by ears of wheat and gear wheel. On October 1st 1949, Chairman Mao stood on the rostrum and declared to the whole world the founding of the People's Republic of China. You can find the portrait of Chairman Mao is hung on the Tiananmen Gate. The are 2 big slogans on both side of the wall. The slogan on the west is Long Live the People's Republic of China; on the east side is Long Live the Great Unity of the People of the World. Tiananmen Rostrum was opened to the public in 1988. It is the best place to enjoy the view of the sqaure and the city. On the east side of Tiananmen Gate is the Working People's Cultural Palace. Its original name was the Supreme Ancestral Temple, which housed the tablets of the dead emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. On the east is Zhongshan Park. Its original name was the Alter of Land and Grain. But in 1928 it was renamed after Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.
Our journey to Tiananmen stops here. I hope you have a good impression of it. Thank you so much for your time and attention.
  • battalion [bə´tæliən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(军队)营;营部 四级词汇
  • congressional [kɔŋ´greʃənl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.会议的;国(议)会的 四级词汇
  • bridge [bridʒ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.桥(梁);鼻梁;桥牌 四级词汇
  • emblem [´embləm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.象征;标志;徽章 六级词汇
  • slogan [´sləugən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.标语;口号 六级词汇
  • ancestral [æn´sestrəl] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.祖先的;祖传的 四级词汇