
My Girlfriend is Cat
---- By smellycatty

We knew each other on the forum of New Oriental School. That time, we both had been hurt, drifting in a lonely city for a long time, yearning to fly, and craving for true and forever love.

I studied GMAT by myself in a rented small flat, she was working hard to go abroad as a post-doctor. Studying for the test, writing her emails, and having long talks over the phone late at night became a habit as well as the happiest moments of my otherwise boring and lonely life. Before long, I found myself attached to the sweet voice and the gentleness of the girl I had never met.

One night, before I hung up the phone, a sadness and romance surged up in me. And I said to her: "I want to sing a song to you." I used to be a big music fan in college. I listened to music as a way of dealing with the bland school life. And I also liked to yell some tunes in the corridor or on my way back to my dorm at night. Some people labeled my style "street singer" who's from the suburb of Hong Kong.

The song I sang that night is the original Japanese version of an old song by the name of "Half Full Moon(月半弯)". As I already said, I sang it thousands of times on the street, in corridor and Karaoke Bars. But my performance has never been that good this time. I didn't know or wasn't sure what kind of person she would be in my life. Maybe a friend on the Internet, maybe just an ordinary friend, or even my future girlfriend, I had absolutely no idea. She was some girl I hadn't met, so I just treated her as a listener to my heart.

What happened later was an abrupt twist. One dark and windy night, our friendship became a love caught on fire because of my not bad singing. On an impulse, I whispered to her, "Tell you the truth, all my life, I am looking for someone, with her, we could become happy for the rest of our life."

On the other end of the phone, she choked up and started sobbing. All of a sudden, I realized that both she and I wished to bring the other happiness.

From my past experience and instinct, I thought that I should do something immediately. So a few days later, driven by curiosity and passion, I decided to visit her. My surprise visit indeed shocked her. It seemed to me that she still wanted to keep on our relationship by telephone and Internet. Later she told me that this gave her lots of romance and fun for imagination.

Urged by my pleading and threatening, she showed up, a small girl with embarrassment and excitement all over her face. I was more than one head tall than her. Walking beside her, I turned my head and couldn't see her. Her hairs were blown up by wind, brushing against my face and making me very itchy. I was trying very hard to figure out some topics, suddenly my hand was in her hand.

This could be the greatest embarrassment of my whole life. Never before had my hand been hold by a girl first. In a second, I felt like that I became a girl walking on the street with hand hold. We walked and walked. A long time passed, we tried to loose each other up by talking about some funny things. She was much easy-going than I thought she would be. But I was much shyer than I used to believe.

To be continued
  • craving [´kreiviŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.渴望,热望 六级词汇
  • gentleness [´dʒentlnis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.温和,温柔 四级词汇
  • version [´və:ʃən, ´və:rʒən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.翻译;说明;译本 四级词汇
  • listener [´lisənə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.(收)听者,听众之一 四级词汇
  • embarrassment [im´bærəsmənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.窘迫;困惑;为难 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇