
Day 3
Mar. 21, Monday
(part 1)

I was awakened by the roaring roof aircon in the morning and did not even bother to turn on the TV that was tumbling down from the ceiling and beyond my reach. We were already late and before visiting the Grand Palace we needed to settle the next day's trip to the Turtle island (Koh Tao) with the travel agency we inquired a day ago. Hurrily checking out Khao San Palace Inn, we carried our baggage to the travel agency not far away and asked them to watch for us when we were away. We paid the deposit for our dive course in Koh Tao and off we went to the Grand Palace.

We passed some restaurants but there was no time for breakfast. So we bumped into a 7-11 along the way and bought ourselves sandwich and milk for breakfast and bottled water. The morning was fresh, the street was clean, and the Thai people were friendly. And there his smiley face was!

When we were taking pictures he approached us and asked where we were from. He praised our beauty and then asked where we were going.

"The Grand Palace will not open until 1 o'clock in the afternoon. In the morning monks pray".

It sounded exactly the same as many travelogues had described, a vulture who lied and wanted to take us elsewhere. We shook our heads and were ready to leave but he continued to blah blah blah. On our way to the Palace several people of the kind came to us and were turned away, and two more trying to sell corns to us to feed pigeons. A woman tore open a plastic bag of corn while pushing it to me and spilled the corns to the pigeons, and then asked for 20B. I refused by telling her that I did not buy it neither open it, and I wouldn't pay anything. We saw a western family made up of parents and son that was escorted away by one of the liars when they were heading for the Palace. Pity that they hadn't done their homework in advance and were not even a mile away.

The Grand Palace looked magnificant even from outside the walls. One ought to pay attention to what he wears since no slipper, no skirt or shorts, no vest or top without telling sleeves (short sleeve is acceptable) can be admitted. We bought the ticket at 250B each and entered while many people were denied entrance with what they wore. But no worries, there is a room at the gate lending clothes and shoes to those who are not dressed up to the Palace, but expect a long queue.

Many pictures were taken as we moved along and there's no more I could describe than saying it's worth a visit. We spent an hour or so seeing around and before realizing it, we stepped out of a vaulted door to exit the Palace! There was no sign saying it was the exit and we still hadn't seen the emerald buddha. But it maybe something ordained to save for our next trip.

Leaving the Grand Palace with a feeling of something missing we called a taxi to Jim Thompson's Thai house. He was an American who came to Thailand in 1940s to trade and export silk. He built a house in Thai style but decorated with many western concepts and one day in 1967, when he was out for an afternoon jog, disappeared and was never found. He left a house of great art with precious collections and became a legend.

The visit was awsome. There was a feeling in me of mystery, of how human life could be thus terminated and how we should spend our life, responsibility or enjoyment?

This far we hadn't spent much money except the tickets, and our next stop would bring us to a spending spree - the shark's fin and bird's nest in China Town...woola!
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • emerald [´emərəld] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.纯绿宝石;翠绿色 四级词汇