
This is just something I finally decided to bring it up, definitly don't mean to criticize anyone, so please bear with me. I have been on and off this forum for quite a while now, not much of a talker myself, I only read most of the time. Most of the topics in this forum somehow are tips of learning english or asking for helps on words or phrases. There is certainly nothing wrong with asking questions, but I personally think there should be more to it. What about us as persons,we have feelings and thoughts, why there isn't more people who write about that. In my opinion, writing longer paragraphs can really help your english in a much more fundamental way. It can help you to organize sentences better, to bring in more consistancy in your future writing. Anyone can memorize big words and such, but in the end, only well constructed sentences and paragraphs can really make a difference. Ernest Hemingway don't use long words in his books, nor does anyone who don't want to scare away readers with their collections of 5 syllable words. Enough said, I wish to see more people who will step up and leave some truly remarkable articles. One final note, I really could use a spell checker here :)
  • talker [´tɔ:kə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话人;空谈家 六级词汇
  • memorize [´meməraiz] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.记住(录);存储 六级词汇